


This repository contains the specification for the SOZip (Seek-Optimized Zip) profile to the ZIP file format.


What is SOZip ?

A Seek-Optimized ZIP file (SOZip) is a ZIP file that contains one or several Deflate-compressed files that are organized and annotated such that a SOZip-aware reader can perform very fast random access (seek) within a compressed file.

SOZip makes it possible to access large compressed files directly from a .zip file without prior decompression. It is not a new file format, but a profile of the existing ZIP format, done in a fully backward compatible way. ZIP readers that are non-SOZip aware can read a SOZip-enabled file normally and ignore the extended features that support efficient seek capability.

Software implementations

See Annex A: Software implementations for more details.

Examples of SOZip files

Examples of SOZip-enabled files can be found in the sozip-examples repository.

Other ZIP related specification

This GitHub organization also hosts the KeyValuePairs extra-field specification, to be able to encode arbitrary key-value pairs of metadata associated with a file within a ZIP. For example to store the Content-Type of a file.


Done with GDAL sozip branch, on a laptop running a Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10750H CPU @ 2.60GHz (6 cores / 12 virtual CPUs).

6.1 sMultithreaded (12 vCPUs) generation of 489 MB SOZip-enabled file from a 1.6 GB uncompresssed GeoPackage file with<br>sozip nz-building-outlines.gpkg.zip nz-building-outlines.gpkg
36 sSingle threaded compression of same file to 480 MB with regular zip utility with<br>zip nz-building-outlines-regular.gpkg.zip nz-building-outlines.gpkg
1.2 sfrom SOZip-compressed GeoPackage file with<br>bench_ogr_batch nz-building-outlines.gpkg.zip
0.7 sfrom uncompressed GeoPackage file with<br>bench_ogr_batch nz-building-outlines.gpkg
1.2 sfrom SOZip-compressed GeoPackage file with<br>ogr2ogr out.gpkg nz-building-outlines.gpkg.zip -spat 1740000 5910000 1750000 5920000
1.1 sfrom uncompressed GeoPackage file with<br>ogr2ogr out.gpkg nz-building-outlines.gpkg -spat 1740000 5910000 1750000 5920000
45 msfrom SOZip-compressed GeoPackage file with<br>ogr2ogr out.gpkg nz-building-outlines.gpkg.zip -fid 1000000
44 msfrom uncompressed GeoPackage file with<br>ogr2ogr out.gpkg nz-building-outlines.gpkg -fid 1000000

How to contribute ?

We welcome contributions to this specification as issues, pull requests or discussions.

If you use SOZip or plan to use it for your data delivery, or consider doing a SOZip implementation, etc., let us know!

Datasets available as SOZip

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The SOZip specification and its GDAL implementation have been developed by Spatialys, with support from Safe Software

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