

Build status on Travis:

Version Build Status

Install with NPM:

npm install atpl

Using with express3:

app.engine('html', require('atpl').__express);
app.set('devel', false);
app.set('view engine', 'html');
app.set('view cache', true);
app.set('views', __dirname + '/templates');

app.get('/simple', function(req, res) {
	res.render('simple', { name : 'Test' });

Using as standalone:

var atpl = require('atpl');
console.log(atpl.renderFileSync(__dirname + '/views', 'simple.html', { name: 'MyName' }, false));
atpl.renderFile(__dirname + '/views', 'simple.html', { name: 'MyName' }, false), function(err, result) {

Typescript typings: https://github.com/soywiz/atpl.js/blob/master/lib/atpl.d.ts

This project is designed to be compatible with twig. So the documentation about tags, filters, functions and tests is on the twig page:

I have continued working on it because there are several projects implementing twig templates but they are not implemented very well and lacks stuff like multiple inheritance or nesting blocks, or are slow because doesn't perform dynamic recompilation.

This project will implement the full twig set and will be as fast as possible.

Supported syntax:

{% autoescape %}
{% autoescape 'type' %}
{% extends "file.atpl" %}
{% extends cond ? "base1" : "base2" %}
{% include "template" %}
{% include "template" with { 'foo' : 'bar' } only %}
{% block name %}...{% endblock %}
{% for var in list %}...{% endfor %}
{% for var in list %}...{% else %}...{% endfor %}
{% for key, value in list %}...{% else %}...{% endfor %}
{% for key, value in list if condition %}...{% else %}...{% endfor %}
{% for key in ['a', 'b', 'c'] %}{{ loop.index0 }}{% endfor %}
{% if condition %}...{% else %}...{% endif %}
{% if cond1 %}...{% elseif cond2 %}...{% else %}...{% endif %}
{% set a, b = 'a', 'b' %}
{{ expression }}
{{ expression|filter }}
{{ expression|filter(params) }}
{{ function(params) }}
{{ var is even }}
{{ var is not defined }}
{{ var is sameas(var) }}
{{ var.array['access'] }}
{{ 3 in [1, 2, 3, 4] }}
{{ {'key':'value','key2':'value2'} }}