

Maltego transforms for The Disinformation Laundromat

Original project: https://github.com/ASD-at-GMF/disinfo-laundromat


Currently, only the search by content similarity is supported. Create or just paste a URL and run the transform.

<img width="858" alt="example" src="https://github.com/soxoj/disinfo-laundromat-maltego/assets/31013580/f69718de-6979-4b14-993d-0c9ec8d810e2">


  1. Install free Maltego Community Edition (if you don't have Maltego installed).

  2. Ensure you have Python3 and pip installed.

  3. pip3 install -r requirements.txt

  4. Open Maltego (CE will be enough)

  5. Click "New local transform..." button


  1. Fill in the fields in the first window (example below), press Next
<img width="860" alt="options1" src="https://github.com/soxoj/disinfo-laundromat-maltego/assets/31013580/fe80591b-e586-42a2-bac6-072cfb7fa67b">
  1. Fill in the fields in the second window (example below), press Finish
<img width="860" alt="options2" src="https://github.com/soxoj/disinfo-laundromat-maltego/assets/31013580/68fab9f3-2dc8-41df-a389-ffbc59efe5ec">