

Vim Minispec

The Vim Minispec plugin runs your Gem or Hanami Minitest specs and displays the results in Vim quickfix. If no any errors or warnings, it echoes output last line, like: '23 tests, 42 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips'


If you can run your minitest file like ruby spec/awesome_spec.rb or rake test you can use a plugin. In your spec/spec_helper.rb must exist a line require 'minitest/autorun'or in .hanamirc must exist a line test=minitest.


Get plugin and place minispec.vim in your Vim plugin directory. When you have Vundle or Plug, add to your ~/.vimrc or ~/.config/nvim/init.vim something like:

Plug 'sovetnik/vim-minispec'

For Pathogen copy and paste:

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone 'git://github.com/sovetnik/vim-minispec.git'


The plugin registers <Leader>r and <Leader>t in normal mode for triggering it easily.

You can use Leader-r(Run spec) to run some command in order:

or Leader-t(run Total) anywhere in project to run all tests.

Additionally, if you have installed Tim Pope's vim-unimpaired, you can use [q and ]q to navigate through list of errors. Otherwise use :cprevious and :cnext.

In the quickfix window, you can use:

o    to open (same as enter)
q    to close the quickfix window


If you press <Leader>r or <Leader>tand shit and/or nothing happens, try direct commands:


The Vim Minispec plugin is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.