

###Face Alignment This program is a C++ reimplementation of algorithms in paper "Face Alignment by Explicit Regression" by Cao et al. This program can be used to train models for detecting facial keypoints, and it is extremely fast both in training and testing.

Please go to folder FaceAlignment to see the source files.


###Usage To compile the program(OpenCV required):

// Go to folder FaceAlignment
cmake .
make TrainDemo.out
make TestDemo.out

To train a new model:

ShapeRegressor regressor;

To predict a new input:

ShapeRegressor regressor;

For details, please see TrainDemo.cpp and TestDemo.cpp.

###Dataset A public dataset is provided here. The dataset contains 1345 training images, 507 testing images, and each image has 29 landmarks. You can change the path in TrainDemo.cpp and TestDemo.cpp to train new models.

###Model I have prepared a model trained by me on COFW dataset, and you can access it here.


x  // x coordinates of top-left corner
y  // y coordinates of top-right corner

For keypoints.txt, each row is in the following format, specifying the ground truth of keypoints locations:

x_1 x_2 ... x_N y_1 y_2 ... y_N

###Contact If you have any question about the code, I prefer that you create an issue on GitHub rather than send me emails directly, so that others can also refer to it when they have problems. I will respond to it as soon as possible.

###Sample Results Sample Results

###Reference papers: Face Alignment by Explicit Shape Regression