


Assignment 2: Traffic sign competition


  1. Install PyTorch from http://pytorch.org

  2. Run the following command to install additional dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Training and validating your model

Run the script main.py to train your model.

Modify main.py, model.py and data.py for your assignment, with an aim to make the validation score better.

Evaluating your model on the test set

As the model trains, model checkpoints are saved to files such as model_x.pth to the current working directory. You can take one of the checkpoints and run:

python evaluate.py --data [data_dir] --model [model_file]

That generates a file gtsrb_kaggle.csv that you can upload to the private kaggle competition https://www.kaggle.com/c/nyu-cv-fall-2018/ to get onto the leaderboard.