


A tiny (~2kb gzipped) platform for JavaScript creative coding.

<p align="center"> <a target="_blank" href="http://soulwire.github.io/sketch.js/examples/drawing.html"><img width="24.5%" src="http://soulwire.github.io/sketch.js/examples/img/drawing.jpg"></a> <a target="_blank" href="http://soulwire.github.io/sketch.js/examples/particles.html"><img width="24.5%" src="http://soulwire.github.io/sketch.js/examples/img/particles.jpg"></a> <a target="_blank" href="http://soulwire.github.com/Plasmatic-Isosurface/"><img width="24.5%" src="http://soulwire.github.io/sketch.js/examples/img/plasma.jpg"></a> <a target="_blank" href="http://soulwire.github.com/Muscular-Hydrostats/"><img width="24.5%" src="http://soulwire.github.io/sketch.js/examples/img/tentacles.jpg"></a> </p>

A few examples from the showcase

Start Coding Faster

sketch.js lets you get straight to the fun parts of creative coding, without ever having to worry about shims or boilerplate code.

It gives you a graphics context, an animation loop, normalised input events and a host of useful callbacks to hook into.

Here's an example:

  setup() {
    this.r = this.g = this.b = random(100, 200)
  mousemove() {
    this.r = 255 * (this.mouse.x / this.width)
    this.g = 255 * (this.mouse.y / this.height)
    this.b = 255 * abs(cos(PI * this.mouse.y / this.width))
  draw() {
    this.fillStyle = `rgb(${~~this.r},${~~this.g},${~~this.b})`
    this.fillRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height)

See it in action

The Highlights

The Rest

For more information, check out the getting started guide, the API, the many examples in the showcase and the full source.