This Project deals with the longitudinal and lateral control of an automotive vehicle within the framework of fully automated guidance. The automotive vehicle is a complicated system with nonlinear longitudinal and lateral coupled dynamics. As a result, automated guidance must be performed in conjunction with longitudinal and lateral control. In this lab, we examine a model predictive control-based automated steering technique. To deal with the longitudinal speed tracking problem, a longitudinal control technique is also proposed. Finally, a unified longitudinal and lateral control strategy helps to improve the combined control performance. This whole control strategy is tested through simulations showing the effectiveness of the present approach for a path tracking task using the Pure Pursuit algorithm.
Notice :
:red_circle: The Included PDF contains the full details of the dynamic model used, the design of controllers and their assesment and performance analysis for different situations/conditions.
This project includes:
Longitudinal Control : PI controller
Lateral Control: MPC controller
Complete non-linear dynamics control : PI + MPC
- run Init.m to initialize the simulink model
- run the simulink simulation
- run Init.m again to display the simulated trajectory with respect to the reference trajectory and re-initialize the simulink models
Included Simulink models:
- Full_control_with_fixed_reference_velocity : used to test the controller for a constant reference linear velocity
- Full_control_with_variable_reference_velocity : using a piecewise reference velocity depending on the shape of the track
- -MPC : the standalone MPC controller for later control
- The complete control scheme :
- The performance of the controller evaluated for a path tracking task using the PurevPursuit algorithm for a constant reference velocity of 50km/h, dry, smooth road:
- The performance of the controller evaluated for a path tracking task using the PurevPursuit algorithm for a constant reference velocity of 90km/h, dry, smooth road:
- Solving the problem by using adaptive ( variable/piecewise ) reference velocity: