

Convolutional Sequence to Sequence Learning

Chainer-based Python implementation of a convolutional seq2seq model.

This is derived from Chainer's official seq2seq example.

See Convolutional Sequence to Sequence Learning, Jonas Gehring, Michael Auli, David Grangier, Denis Yarats, Yann N. Dauphin, arxiv, 2017. blog post, Torch code.


Prepare Dataset

You can use any parallel corpus.
For example, run download_wmt.sh which downloads and decompresses training dataset and development dataset from WMT/europal into your current directory. These files and their paths are set in training script seq2seq.py as default.

How to Run

PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8 python -u seq2seq.py -g=0 -i DATA_DIR -o SAVE_DIR

During training, logs for loss, perplexity, word accuracy and time are printed at a certain internval, in addition to validation tests (perplexity and BLEU for generation) every half epoch. And also, generation test is performed and printed for checking training progress.
