

Recursion of Thought

Official PyTorch implementation of ACL 2023 (short, findings) paper: Recursion of Thought: A Divide and Conquer Approach to Multi-Context Reasoning with Language Models.


We recommend using Anaconda. The following command will create a new conda environment rot with all the dependencies.

conda env create -f environment.yml

To activate the environment:

conda activate rot

Directory structure

├── configs
├── data
├── episodes
├── models
├── eval.py
├── gpt_eval.py
├── gpt_fine_tune.py
├── train_cmds
└── train.py

GPT-3 experiments

Run the gpt_fine_tune.py script to create data for GPT-3 and request fine-tuning. The API key should be present in the environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY.

python gpt_fine_tune.py

The following script will evaluate the fine-tuned models.

python gpt_eval.py

Experiments with the tiny models

Use the following command to train a model.

python train.py -c [config_path] -e [episode_path] -p [paradigm] -l [log_directory]

config_path should be one of the files in configs directory, and episode_path should be one of the files in episodes. paradigm should be one of wt, cot, and rot. In the train_cmds file, we provide all commands that we used to for our main experiments. The evaluation results will be recorded in the TensorBoard summary.