

Simultaneous Acquisition of High Quality RGB Image and Polarization Information using a Sparse Polarization Sensor (WACV 2023)

Teppei Kurita, Yuhi Kondo, Legong Sun and Yusuke Moriuchi
Sony Group Corporation, Tokyo, Japan
paper(arxiv/cvf) | dataset

SNA: Stokes Network Architecture

Code implementation regarding Simultaneous Acquisition of High Quality RGB Image and Polarization Information using a Sparse Polarization Sensor (WACV2023). This implementation is based on PENet (ICRA2021). network_image


  1. Dependency
  2. Dataset
  3. Directory structure
  4. Trained Models
  5. Commands
  6. License
  7. Citation


Our released implementation is tested on.

Dependent libraries can be installed with the following commands, but full operation is not guaranteed. It is recommended to create a Docker Image using the Dockerfile in this code.

pip install numpy matplotlib Pillow
pip install scikit-image
pip install opencv-contrib-python==


Real and Synthetic Polarization Dataset (RSP Dataset)
*Access to data requires a Microsoft account. After creating your Microsoft account, please contact us with your Microsoft E-mail address to grant access. The access right is revoked after a certain period of time , and your account information is not retained.

Trained Models

These models are trained on a richer full dataset than rsp-dataset. The following four polarization sensor arrays are supported. sensor_array

*Access to data requires a Microsoft account. After creating your Microsoft account, please contact us with your Microsoft E-mail address to grant access. The access right is revoked after a certain period of time , and your account information is not retained.

Directory Structure


    |- results
    |- rsp-dataset
      |- train_val
      |- eval
    |- models
      |- model_full_conv.tar
      |- model_full_x4.tar
      |- model_full_x16.tar
      |- model_full_x64.tar


A complete list of training options is available with

python main.py -h


python main.py -b 5 -rp [conv,x4,x16,x64] --data-folder [data-folder-path] --gt-folder [gt-folder-path] --result [result-folder-path]
# -b for batch size


python main.py -b 5 -rp x16 --data-folder ../data/rsp-dataset/train_val/x16/ --gt-folder ../data/rsp-dataset/train_val/gt/ --result ../data/results/


python main.py -b 1 -rp [conv,x4,x16,x64] --evaluate [checkpoint-path] --data-folder [data-folder-path] --gt-folder [gt-folder-path] --result [result-folder-path]


python main.py -b 1 -rp x16 --evaluate ../data/models/model_full_x16.tar --data-folder ../data/rsp-dataset/train_val/x16/ --gt-folder ../data/rsp-dataset/train_val/gt/ --result ../data/results/

Optional arguments:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  # Parameter
  --raw-pattern {conv,x4,x16,x64}, -rp {conv,x4,x16,x64}
                        sensor raw pattern, [conv(entional)/x4/x16/x64]
                        (default: x16)
  --ps PS               polar pixel sensitivity (default: 0.35)

  # Network Parameter
  --refine-input N, -ri N
                        RGB refine input [0~7] (default: 6)
                        # - 0: Only RGB
                        # - 1: RGB and s0sps
                        # - 2: RGB and mask
                        # - 3: RGB and s12sps
                        # - 4: RGB and s0sps and mask
                        # - 5: RGB and s12sps and mask
                        # - 6: RGB and s012sps and mask (default)
                        # - 7: RGB and s012sps
  --refine-model N, -rm N
                        RGB refine model [0,1] (default: 0)
                        # - 0: RGB Refinement (default)
                        # - 1: No Refinement
  --comp-input-rgb N, -cir N
                        Polarizaiton compensation input (RGB) [0,1] (default:
                        # - 0: RGB
                        # - 1: Refine RGB (default)
  --comp-input-extra N, -cie N
                        Polarization compensation input (extra) [0~3]
                        (default: 2)
                        # - 0: Only s12sps
                        # - 1: s12sps and s0sps
                        # - 2: s12sps and mask (default)
                        # - 3: s12sps and s0sps and mask
  --comp-model N, -cm N
                        Polarization compensation model [0,1] (default: 1)
                        # - 0: Our compensation model
                        # - 1: Our compensation model (w/ ATA&FTB) (default)
  # Hyper Parameter
  --seed N, -se N       seed value. if -1, random seed (default: -1)
  --epochs N            number of total epochs to run (default: 30)
  --batch-size BATCH_SIZE, -b BATCH_SIZE
                        mini-batch size (default: 1)
  --lr LR, --learning-rate LR, -lr LR
                        initial learning rate (default 1e-3)
  --weight-decay W, -wd W
                        weight decay (default: 1e-6)
  --train-num TRAIN_NUM
                        the number of train data, 0 is all (default: 0)
  --train-random        random pickup for training data (default: false)
  --s0-8bit             s0 bit length precision (default: false)

  # Loss Function
  -c {l1_s12,l2_s12,l1,l2}, --criterion {l1_s12,l2_s12,l1,l2}
                        PCN loss function, l1 and l2 calculate s012 (default:
  -crgb {l2,l1}, --rgb-criterion {l2,l1}
                        RGBRN loss function: (default: l2)
  --rank-metric {rmse,mse,mae,psnr}
                        metrics for which best result is saved (default: rmse)
  --rank-metric-domain {s12,s012}
                        domain of metrics for which best result is saved
                        (default: s012)

  # Paths
  --data-folder PATH    data folder (default: "../data/rsp_dataset/x16/")
  --gt-folder PATH      ground truth folder (default:
  --result PATH         result folder (default: "../data/results/")
  --source-directory PATH
                        source code directory for backup (default: .)
  --suffix FN           suffix of result folder name (default: none)

  # Augmentation Parameter
  --not-random-crop     Prohibit random cropping (default: true)
  -he N, --random-crop-height N
                        random crop height (default: 576)
  -w N, --random-crop-width N
                        random crop height (default: 768)
  --jitter J            color jitter for images, only apply when s0 is 8bit
                        (default: 0.0)

  # Resume
  --resume PATH         path to latest checkpoint (default: none)
  --start-epoch N       manual epoch number, useful on restarts (default: 0)
  -ol, --optimizer-load
                        load optimizer when resumimg (default: false)
  --autoresume          auto resume from latest checkpoint (default: false)
  --bestresume          auto resume from best checkpoint (default: false)

  # Evaluation etc.
  -e PATH, --evaluate PATH
                        use existing models for evaluation (default: none)
  --print-freq N, -p N  print frequency (default: 10)
  --vis-skip N          skip of visualize comparison image (default: 0)
  --save-img-comp       save image comparison for each epoch (default: false)
  --eval-each           evaluation for each image (default: false)
  --save-interval N     save model interval (default: 1)
  --val-interval N      validation interval (default: 1)
  --train_eval          evaluate when training phase (default: false)
  --disp-all            output all results (default: false)
  --vis-dif             visualize diffuse component (default: false)
  --evalcomp_num N      number of the image for evaluation visualize (default:

  # Debug
  --small               use small dataset (default: false)
  --small-rate SR       rate of small dataset, use with "small" argument
                        (default: 0.01)
  --s12gain S12GAIN     s12gain for visualize (default: 50.0)

  # Others
  --val-h N             validation height (default: 576)
  --val-w N             validation width (default: 768)
  --workers N           number of data loading workers (default: 4)
  --cpu                 run on cpu (default: false)
  --gpu N               GPU device, if -1, use parallel mode (default: -1)


This software is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.


    author    = {Kurita, Teppei and Kondo, Yuhi and Sun, Legong and Moriuchi, Yusuke},
    title     = {Simultaneous Acquisition of High Quality RGB Image and Polarization},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)},
    month     = {January},
    year      = {2023},
    pages     = {178-188}