

#Update as of 07/11/2016

Those who intend to reimplement the contract watch out for https://github.com/sontol/RingToken/issues/8

#Update as of 07/05/2016

Today is a bitter sweet day as on one hand it marks the first alpha release of RingToken client and on the other hand today is the day RingToken is officially abandoned. See https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/4r0s2x/ringtoken_uploaded_into_testnet_but_project_will/ for details

Ring Token

Ring Token consist of 3 parts, the contract, the frontend, and the cryptos. The contract is written in mixed Solidity/Assembly while the fronted used nwjs and the cryptos is written in C.

Here is the rationale of the selection. The parts in Solidity is written for readability, the Assembly is for parts that requires optimization, nwjs is because of the most straightforward integration with the node while also has an acceptable UI. C is used for crypto simply because I am more familiar with libsecp256k1 which also happens to be written in C.

How to Build

The Contract


I used the realtime compiler to compile and used the web3 deployment code while substituting the appropriate addresses for library used.


I used my own ethasm to generate the bytecode, manually add the init part and send the transaction with the bytecode as data while omitting the to. I think it would be more expensive to do this after Homestead but I'm not yet familiar with the alternatives.

The Frontend

The frontend uses nwjs, which is just Node.js with the added DOM.

Currently it depends on the following Node.js modules:

Normally I did the testing by running nw ./ on the folder containing the html file since I've already provided the packages.json inside but if a standalone package is required there's a deployment instruction here.

The Cryptos

I used some part of libsecp256k1 and sha3 from Ethereum's repo. It is included in the folder. Since everything is a header I just include them all. I used nw-gyp to create the .node file and copy that file to the root of the .html file.

Usage Note

Folder pubkeys, privkeys, and keychain.txt need to be copied between Mint and Mix to keep it synchronized.


Well, if you want to give me money I won't say no :) ETH(0x76fb135944db90c440fe881e07e7f5d7e6b82bcb)