

React Komik!

ReactJS based comic strip creator using fabric.js canvas rendering. It's like spectacle but for comic. You can edit (positioning, scaling, coloring) the comic after rendering. Reactify anything, reactify comic.




NPM modules

Just install it from npm

npm install react-komik

You can use the component by require it and bundle it with webpack or browserify. Don't forget to import React, ReactDOM, and use Babel/JSX transformer with ES2015 (recommended)

	import React from 'react';
	import { render } from 'react-dom';
	import { Strip, Panel, Character, Balloon } from 'react-komik';

	let Comic = (props) => (
		<Strip title="Your title here" column="1">
						text="Reactify Comic!" />

	render(<Comic />, document.getElementById('root'));

UMD Browser

Download or include the komik.js file to your HTML. Don't forget to include React, ReactDOM and JSX transformer/Babel. Please use NPM modules instead for production.

	<script src="http://sonnylazuardi.github.io/react-komik/dist/komik.js"></script>
		let { Strip, Panel, Character, Balloon } = Komik;

		class Comic extends React.Component {
			render() {
				return (
					<Strip title="Your title here" column="1">
									text="Reactify Comic!" />

		ReactDOM.render(<Comic />, document.getElementById('root'));


This demo is using UMD browser, hosted on codepen and jsbin.




There are four main components:


AttributeValue TypeDefaultDescription
titleString"Comic Title"Your comic title
columnInteger2Number of comic's column
paddingInteger0Comic padding
widthInteger500Comic's width
heightInteger500Comic's height
topInteger0Comic's top position
leftInteger0Comic's left position
fillString (Color)'white'Comic's background color
strokeString (Color)'black'Comic's stroke color
strokeWidthInteger0Comic's stroke width
fontFamilyString (Font Name)"Arial"Comic's font family
fontSizeInteger13Comic's font size
upperCaseBoolanfalseComic's text upper case


AttributeValue TypeDefaultDescription
heightInteger180Panel's height
paddingInteger20Panel's padding
fillString (Color)'white'Panel's background color
strokeInteger'black'Panel's stroke color
strokeWidthInteger3Panel's stroke width
backgroundString (Image URL)nullPanel's background image


AttributeValue TypeDefaultDescription
imageString (Image URL)'char1.png'Character's image
scaleDecimal (0 - 1)1Character's image scale
alignString ('center', 'right', 'left')'center'Character's align position
leftIntegernullCharacter's left position (will overwrite align)
bottomInteger0Character's bottom position
topIntegernullCharacter's top position (will overwrite bottom position)


AttributeValue TypeDefaultDescription
textString'Hi Bro!'Balloon's text
imageString (SVG URL)'chat_right.svg'Chat balloon SVG images
leftIntegernullBalloon's left position
bottomInteger (from Character's top)-70Balloon's bottom position
topIntegernullBalloon's top position (will overwrite bottom)
scaleDecimal (0 - 1)0.8Balloon's image scale
alignString ('center', 'left', 'right')'left'Balloon's align from character
paddingInteger12Balloon's text padding
heightInteger150Balloon's height
textAlignString ('center', 'left', 'right')'center'Balloon's text align
fontFamilyString (Font Name)(The same with Strip's fontFamily)Balloon's font family
fontSizeInteger(The same with Strip's fontSize)Balloon's font size


Ideas, issues, and PRs are welcomed. You can also directly shoot me an email at sonnylazuardi@gmail.com.

JS Comic

This project is actually an effort to write comic easier for JS Comic. Please follow @jscomicnet or like JS Comic FB page.


MIT @sonnylazuardi