

Symbol Organizer

Organize your symbols page, and layer list, alphabetically and into groupings determined by your symbol names. Also provides the ability to choose the granularity of the groups, layout symbols horizontally or vertically, set a maximum of symbols per row/column, reverse the layer list sort direction, sequentially rename duplicate symbols, gather symbols from other pages, and remove unused symbols (symbols which are nested in other symbols, or used as overrides, will NOT be removed).

Symbol Organizer

<a href="http://bit.ly/SketchRunnerWebsite"> <img width="160" height="41" src="http://bit.ly/RunnerBadgeBlue" alt="runner-badge-blue"> </a> <a href="https://www.paypal.me/sonburn"> <img width="160" height="41" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sonburn/symbol-organizer/master/images/donate.png"> </a>




Search for Symbol Organizer in Sketchrunner or Sketch Toolbox if you have one of those installed.

Once installed, Sketch will automatically notify you when an update is available (version 11.3 and later).


  1. Download and open symbol-organizer-master.zip
  2. Navigate to Symbol Organizer.sketchplugin and copy/move to your plugins directory

To find your plugins directory...

  1. In the Sketch menu, navigate to Plugins > Manage Plugins...
  2. Click the cog in the lower left of the plugins window, and click Reveal Plugins Folder



Find me on Twitter <a class="twitter-follow-button" href="https://twitter.com/sonburn">@sonburn</a>


If you find this plugin helpful, or would like to support my plugins in general, buy me ☕️ via <a href="https://www.paypal.me/sonburn">PayPal</a>.


Copyright (c) 2021 Jason Burns (Sonburn). See LICENSE.md for further details.