

OshiUpload is a powerful anonymous public file sharing FLOSS, its advantages are:

This is a synced source code currently running at oshi.at

Its admin interface only provides general stats, abuse reports and a file finder by URL. Unlike all popular file sharing platforms, it doesn't provide a possibility of live tracking/viewing uploaded files in order to avoid attracting unnecessary enthusiasm.

The duplicate files detection feature allows to create links to existing files in case the uploaded file already exists on the storage, this helps to save a lot of space. It compares file size, mimetype and hashsum prior to creating link to ensure absence of collisions. In case the origin file is about to expire or get deleted but it has links, one of the links becomes a new origin (one with a longest retention period).

Installing & Running


git clone https://github.com/somenonymous/OshiUpload

cd OshiUpload/app

rename config.example to config and configure it following the options described in comments

The engine will create all the necessary database tables automatically on the first run

Install dependencies


apt install libmojolicious-perl libdbix-connector-perl libtry-tiny-perl liburi-encode-perl libdata-random-perl libstring-random-perl libgd-securityimage-perl libjavascript-minifier-perl libfile-libmagic-perl libclamav-client-perl
apt install libdbd-sqlite3-perl # for SQLite as database
apt install libdbd-mysql-perl # for MySQL/MariaDB as database

CPAN or perlbrew

cpan -i Mojolicious DBIx::Connector Try::Tiny URI::Encode Data::Random String::Random GD::SecurityImage JavaScript::Minifier File::LibMagic ClamAV::Client
cpan -i DBD::SQLite # for SQLite as database
cpan -i DBD::mysql # for MySQL/MariaDB as database

If you want to install modules as non-root, substitute cpan with cpanm from perlbrew (get it on https://perlbrew.pl if your distro doesn't ship the perlbrew package)



or just add tools/cron.sh to /etc/crontab so the engine will autorun:

* * * * * user /full/path/to/OshiUpload/tools/cron.sh > /dev/null 2>&1

Reverse-proxy and database configuration

There are no special requirements for a reverse-proxy configuration and any software with their default configuration will work. Make sure HTTP_UPLOAD_FILE_MAX_SIZE value corresponds body size limit of the reverse-proxy. Older versions required forwarding PUT requests to a separate backend (http_put.pl) which isn't a requirement in recent commits, because this method was integrated into the main application.

For MySQL/MariaDB it's recommended to set max_connections at least to a double of the default value or higher, depending on hardware parameters.