

Statball build passing dotnet core

Statball - Football (soccer) stats analyser from top 5 european leagues with data obtained from Fbref and Statsbomb.

Fbref : https://fbref.com/en/comps/Big5/Big-5-European-Leagues-Stats

Statsbomb : https://statsbomb.com/

Visualizations created using Tableau Public : https://public.tableau.com/

  1. Built-In Data Scraper/ API to pull or scrape data from fbref and Statsbomb - using C# / webapp / web scraping
  2. Preferred position filtering
  3. Combined statscore value
  4. Multi resource file processing - for combined statscore value as well
  5. Clustering based talent identification
  6. Performance/Role analysis
  7. Similarity analysis for position/player using Cosine/other similarity - vector/array based
  8. Player scouting based on customisable player profiles and statscore based scouting.

Visualization and Scouting Samples

Visualization 1 : Heavily Involved Creators, and Messi in a league of his own (20/21, minimum 20 90s).


Sample 1 : Top 30 AM profile players from top 5 leagues (20/21, stats p90, minimum 20 90s).


Prerequisite Installations

Download and install .NET Core from here : https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/install/windows?tabs=net50

How to Run : Download the project and run the dotnet run command as below :

dotnet run

dotnet run -h|--help

Follow steps here if needed : https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/tools/dotnet-run