

<h1 align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/solo-io/gloo/blob/main/docs/content/img/logo.svg" alt="Gloo Gateway" width="800"> <br> An Envoy-Powered API Gateway </h1>

Important Update

Important Gloo Gateway is now a fully conformant Kubernetes Gateway API implementation!

The existing Gloo Edge APIs were not changed and continue to be fully supported.

About Gloo Gateway

Gloo Gateway is a feature-rich, fast, and flexible Kubernetes-native ingress controller and next-generation API gateway that is built on top of Envoy proxy and the Kubernetes Gateway API. It excels in function-level routing, supports legacy apps, microservices and serverless, offers robust discovery capabilities, integrates seamlessly with open-source projects, and is designed to support hybrid applications with various technologies, architectures, protocols, and clouds.

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<BR><center><img src="https://github.com/solo-io/gloo/blob/main/docs/content/img/gloo-gateway-architecture.svg" alt="Gloo Gateway Architecture" width="700"></center>

Using Gloo Gateway

What makes Gloo Gateway unique

Next Steps

Contributing to Gloo Gateway

The devel folder should be the starting point for understanding the code, and contributing to the product.


Gloo Gateway would not be possible without the valuable open-source work of projects in the community. We would like to extend a special thank-you to Envoy.


Reporting security issues : We take Gloo Gateway's security very seriously. If you've found a security issue or a potential security issue in Gloo Gateway, please DO NOT file a public Github issue, instead send your report privately to security@solo.io.