

Building Decentralized Applications for the Social Web

WWW 2016 Tutorial, Tuesday 12 April


This morning we will introduce you to the ideas behind personal datastores and how to build applications that use data in people's personal datastores using the Solid protocols. After the coffee break we'll do a walkthrough of an example application, and this afternoon you're free to build your own applications.

Decentralization: Motivation and Principles

Developing a technology stack that enables truly user-centric de-centralized applications can drastically improve the life of both users and app developers:

Logic Separated from Data

Consider the flowering of innovative and interesting features that resulted from the various mashups and the general "Web 2.0" trend of having service providers offer access to some subset of their users' data as simple REST APIs. And that was with non-standard APIs, proprietary and frequently incompatible data formats, using only the tightly controlled and metered functionality that the service providers allowed.

Now imagine instead, if users had full control over their data (all of the data that currently belongs to siloed service providers), and could select which apps were allowed to access it (using standardized APIs). This is one of the core goals of the Solid project.


Of course, separating applications from data (with the aim of giving users more choices in terms of which apps they can use) is only possible when that data is written in standard, mutually-intelligible formats.

By focusing on the re-use of standard protocols, formats and vocabularies, and by providing a common data access API (as well as an Access Control List format), Solid enables and encourages interoperability.

Protocols and APIs

We mentioned that applications that read, create and manipulate data are completely decoupled from where the data is stored. This means that applications and datastores (servers) need a common protocol to speak to each other.

Datastores use a RESTful API, and store data as RDF. Every resource in the data has a URL, whether this is a document, an image, a person, an abstract concept, or a relationship between two resources. Applications can use HTTP to create, read, update and delete resources in a datastore. Resources can be organized hierarchically in containers, which can be thought of as folders/directories.

Simply, to get the data in any resource (the attributes and their values), an application does a GET request on the URL of the resource. For all of the resources in a container, a GET request on the container returns a list. For an application to create a new resource in a container, make an HTTP POST request to the container itself with the attributes of that resource, and an optional slug. To update a resource (or a container) use PUT or PATCH and to delete use DELETE.

GET/path/to/resourceRetrieve a resource
GET/path/to/container/List of resources in a container
POST/path/to/parent/Create a new resource in container
PUT/path/to/resourceReplace a resource
PATCH/path/to/resourceUpdate a resource
DELETE/path/to/resourceDelete a resource

The data that is sent and retrieved is RDF; the RDF serialization we use by default is Turtle. Don't worry if you're not familiar with this format, we're going to show you handy libraries for working with it. If you want to find out more about Linked Data principles you can see Linked Data 101 for a quick run down.

This API is a W3C standard called Linked Data Platform (LDP) (see also the LDP Primer).

Schemas and Vocabularies

You're used to describing data in a database with a schema, a set of terms that describe attributes of a data item for which you can set values. For global interoperability on the Web, we all need to find a way to cooperate when choosing schemas to represent our data.

Fortunately many people publish RDF vocabularies which cover different domains, and the idea is to reuse existing ones as much as possible. All terms in a vocabulary (just like any other data item) have their own URL. This ensures that when two people use the same term they can use a globally unique identifier to show they mean the same thing.

There are well-known, stable vocabularies. Examples include: RDF and RDFS (which provide the basics for describing anything), FOAF (for describing people and their friends), Dublin Core (for describing publications, mostly), schema.org (covers a broad variety of things).

A good place to start looking for domain-specific terms to reuse is LOV.

Vocabularies specifically for social applications you might be interested in include:

Users, Authentication and Access Control

Solid uses WebID URLs as unique user IDs. This means that no matter where on the web a user is interacting, they have one identifier which they can use to sign into their personal datastore.

How can we decide who has access to a particular resource? Since we have identities, we could use them to define who has read or write access to resources. These lists are called ACL (Access Control List), and they follow the Web Access Control spec

Pastebin Example

This example will walk you through the steps required to build a typical Solid app. You will learn how to:

Preparing the App

Before we start writing the functions that create and view bins, we need to decide how the app will work. For instance, we know that we will use the app to create new bins, to view existing ones and also to update them.

The easiest way to separate these different app functionalities, is to separate the states by using query parameters -- i.e. ?view=..., ?edit=....

Another important step we need to do right now is to add the required dependencies. These are rdflib.js and solid.js.

Local Data Structure

Next, we can define how we want to structure our bins. For example, a bin could have a title and body (content), but also a URI (useful later for updates).

// Bin structure
var bin = {
    url: '',
    title: '',
    body: ''

Picking the Vocabularies

For this particular app, we can go with two very common vocabularies, SIOC and Dublin Core Terms. You can see their usage in the load() function, for example. Specifically, we'll be using the title predicate (referred to as vocab.dct('title') in the code), and the content predicate (as vocab.sioc('content')).

Deciding Where to Store New Bins

To create bins we have to define a default container to which we POST the bin. For now we can create a global variable called defaultContainer. The value of this variable can be a binscontainer on your account, which you have created with Warp.

var defaultContainer = 'https://user.databox.me/Public/bins/'


The UI is quite minimalistic. A couple of divs, one for the viewer and one for the editor. The current example lacks CSS definitions for some classes (e.g. hidden), which you can get from the Github repo (link below).

<div class="content center-text hidden" id="view">
    <h1 id="view-title"></h1>
    <div id="view-body"></div>

<div class="content center-text hidden" id="edit">
    <input type="text" id="edit-title" class="block" placeholder="Title...">
    <textarea id="edit-body" class="block" placeholder="Paste text here..."></textarea>
    <button id="submit" class="btn">Publish</button>

Now let's prepare a few functions that make the bread and butter of our app.

Creating new bins

Creating new bins is easy. It involves using solid.js to post the bin data to the defaultContainer. We can create a publish() function which will handle this step. This function will read the value of the title and body elements from the editor.

function publish () {
    bin.title = document.getElementById('edit-title').value
    bin.body = document.getElementById('edit-body').value

Next, we will create a new graph object, in which we'll add the two triples, one for the title and one for the body. We will also store the serialized value of the graph in a new data variable.

function publish () {
    bin.title = document.getElementById('edit-title').value
    bin.body = document.getElementById('edit-body').value

    var graph = $rdf.graph()
    var thisResource = $rdf.sym('')
    graph.add(thisResource, vocab.dct('title'), $rdf.lit(bin.title))
    graph.add(thisResource, vocab.sioc('content'), $rdf.lit(bin.body))
    var data = new $rdf.Serializer(graph).toN3(graph)

Finally, we will use solid.js to POST the new bin to the server. If the POST succeeded, we will update the URL bar to the viewer. Else, we will have to deal with the error.

Here is the final function.

function publish () {
    bin.title = document.getElementById('edit-title').value
    bin.body = document.getElementById('edit-body').value

    var graph = $rdf.graph()
    var thisResource = $rdf.sym('')
    graph.add(thisResource, vocab.dct('title'), $rdf.lit(bin.title))
    graph.add(thisResource, vocab.sioc('content'), $rdf.lit(bin.body))
    var data = new $rdf.Serializer(graph).toN3(graph)

    solid.web.post(defaultContainer, data).then(function(meta) {
        // view
        window.location.search = "?view="+encodeURIComponent(meta.url)
    }).catch(function(err) {
        // do something with the error

Reading/viewing bins

Now that we have a way to create new bins, let's create a corresponding function that reads and displays bins.

We can use solid.js to fetch the contents of a bin. Let's call this fetching function load. Our function will take two parameters - one is the URL of the bin, and the other one is a flag that indicates whether we need to display the editor or not.

function load (url, showEditor) {
    solid.web.get(url).then(function(response) {

    }).catch(function(err) {
        // do something with the error

The function solid.web.get() returns a response on success, from which we can get a parsed graph object (parsed via rdflib.js). This graph object has a few methods that allow us to query the graph for specific triples - i.e. graph.any(). We'll use this method to get the title and body of a bin.

function load (url, showEditor) {
    solid.web.get(url).then(function(response) {
        var graph = response.parsedGraph();
        // set url
        bin.url = response.url;
        var subject = $rdf.sym(response.url);
        // add title
        var title = graph.any(subject, vocab.dct('title'));
        if (title) {
            bin.title = title.value;
        // add body
        var body = graph.any(subject, vocab.sioc('content'));
        if (body) {
            bin.body = body.value;
    }).catch(function(err) {
        // do something with the error

Now that we have set our bin object with the right values, we can update the view, depending on whether or not we have to display the editor.

Here is the final version of our load function.

function load (url, showEditor) {
    solid.web.get(url).then(function(g) {
        var graph = response.parsedGraph();
        // set url
        bin.url = response.url;
        var subject = $rdf.sym(response.url);
        // add title
        var title = graph.any(subject, vocab.dct('title'));
        if (title) {
            bin.title = title.value;
        // add body
        var body = graph.any(subject, vocab.sioc('content'));
        if (body) {
            bin.body = body.value;

        if (showEditor) {
            document.getElementById('edit-title').value = bin.title
            document.getElementById('edit-body').innerHTML = bin.body
            document.getElementById('submit').setAttribute('onclick', 'update()')
        } else {
            document.getElementById('view-title').innerHTML = bin.title
            document.getElementById('view-body').innerHTML = bin.body
    }).catch(function(err) {
        // do something with the error

Updating bins

Updating bins is very similar to creating new ones. The only difference is that we use the URI of an existing bin, which we then pass to solid.js' solid.web.put() function.

function update () {
    bin.title = document.getElementById('edit-title').value
    bin.body = document.getElementById('edit-body').value

    var graph = $rdf.graph();
    var thisResource = $rdf.sym('');
    graph.add(thisResource, vocab.dct('title'), bin.title);
    graph.add(thisResource, vocab.sioc('content'), bin.body);
    var data = new $rdf.Serializer(graph).toN3(graph);

    solid.web.put(bin.url, data).then(function(meta) {
        // view
        window.location.search = "?view="+encodeURIComponent(meta.url)
    }).catch(function(err) {
        // do something with the error

Routing different app states

Great, so now we have all the important functions in place. Let's put everything together! We know we can use the app to create and also to view bins. The final step now is to add the app logic which handles these different states. For that we need a utility function that parses the current URL and returns different query parameters.

You can go ahead and just paste the following function in your app.

// Utility function to parse URL query string values
var queryVals = (function(a) {
    if (a == "") return {}
    var b = {}
    for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i)
        var p=a[i].split('=', 2)
        if (p.length == 1) {
            b[p[0]] = ""
        } else {
            b[p[0]] = decodeURIComponent(p[1].replace(/\+/g, " "))
    return b

You can call this function every time you need to check that a query parameter is present and to get its value.

Next we can go ahead and create an init() function where we handle our "routing". This function is in charge of parsing the current URL and either display the editor or load the viewer. It also sets the onclick() event on the submit button, depending on whether the editor is used to create a new bin or to update an old one.

function init() {
    if (queryVals['view'] && queryVals['view'].length > 0) {
    } else if (queryVals['edit'] && queryVals['edit'].length > 0) {
        load(queryVals['edit'], true)
    } else {
        document.getElementById('submit').setAttribute('onclick', 'publish()')

This function will be called at the bottom of our app, after all the other functions have been defined.

This is it, you're all set! You can use the following link for the source files of the full example app: solid-tutorial-pastebin

See also "user posts a note" example.