

Tensorflow with R


R Notebook

R document that details the process of creating and deploying the model.

Exported Keras/Tensorflow model

A folder that contains a Keras Neural Network model developed, and created in the R Notebook. The resulting files are Tensorflow, not R. The main file is a Protocol Buffer

The model was also deployed to RStudio Connect and can be found here: http://colorado.rstudio.com/rsc/connect/#/apps/2230/access

Shiny app

Source code for the Shiny application that uses the deployed Keras model in RStudio Connect as its source. It uses shinymaterial to make it more mobile-friendly.

<img src = "images/app1.png" width = '400px'> <img src = "images/app2.png" width = '400px'>


Companion presentation deck in PDF format: https://github.com/sol-eng/tensorflow-w-r/blob/master/presentation/tensorflow-w-R.pdf

<div> <img src = "images/presentation.png" width = '600' > </div>

Automated workflow

An example of how to automate the workflow using the drake package is in the workflow folder.

<img src = "images/dep-graph.png" width = '400px'>