

<div align="center"> <h2>⚠️ WARNING ⚠️</h2> <h2> This project is now considered legacy!</h2> <span>If you want to use Cairo 2.0 contracts, consider migrating to <a href="https://github.com/foundry-rs/starknet-foundry"><code>starknet-foundry</code></a> developed by Software Mansion in collaboration with Foundry Foundation.</span> <br> <span>New features will not be added to this project.</span> <br> <a href="https://github.com/foundry-rs/starknet-foundry">https://github.com/foundry-rs/starknet-foundry</a> </div>
<div align="center"> <img src="./readme/protostar-logo--light.svg#gh-light-mode-only" width=300 alt="protostar-logo" /> <img src="./readme/protostar-logo--dark.svg#gh-dark-mode-only" width=300 alt="protostar-logo" /> <h4>Starknet smart contract development toolchain</h4> </div>

Protostar helps with writing, deploying, and testing your smart contracts. It is loosely inspired by Foundry.

Protostar is actively developed :hammer: . We release every two weeks. Our roadmap is public, see what is coming soon!

Install with

curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/software-mansion/protostar/master/install.sh | bash

Documentation :page_facing_up:

Table of contents <!-- omit in toc -->

Additional resources


To install Protostar, run:

curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/software-mansion/protostar/master/install.sh | bash

If you want to specify a version, run the following command with the requested version:

curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/software-mansion/protostar/master/install.sh | bash -s -- -v 0.3.2


Setting up environment

  1. Install Python version management tool: pyenv or asdf
  2. Install Python 3.9.14 using the Python version management tool and activate that version
    • To be able to build Protostar, set the following environmental variable before installing Python: PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--enable-shared"
  3. Clone this repository
  4. Verify the active Python version: python -V
  5. Install Poetry — a dependency manager
  6. Create Python virtual environment in the project directory: poetry env use 3.9
  7. Activate environment: poetry shell
  8. Upgrade pip: pip install --upgrade pip
  9. Install project dependencies: poetry install
    • MacBook M1/M2: CFLAGS=-I/opt/homebrew/opt/gmp/include LDFLAGS=-L/opt/homebrew/opt/gmp/lib poetry install
  10. Install bindings for the rust tools used by protostar:
  11. Patch the git's config by always allowing file transport: git config --global protocol.file.allow always (needed for some tests to pass)
  12. Verify the setup by running tests: poe test
  13. Build Protostar: poe build
    • You can find the newly created binary at dist/protostar/protostar

Bumping cairo bindings version

To bump cairo bindings version to the latest commit on fork (master branch), run:

poetry run poe bump_cairo_bindings

After this, you can pull & rebuild your local version of bindings by running:

poetry run poe install_all_bindings

Remember to have your working tree clean, since it creates a commit on the current branch.

The command will check if the tracking branch is master, so you don't commit/push to master by accident (would be rejected by branch protection).

Submodules development

You can use submodules from a different branch than main. Run commands

git submodule set-branch --branch <your-branch>
poetry run poe install_all_bindings

Remember to not push those changes to the repository.

Git hooks

Run the following script to enable lint checks and automatic formatting before commit/push.


Updating website/docs

Please read website/README.md.