New version for MAUI here:
Below is version for Xamarin.Forms
Supported Platforms
iOS, Android, UWP
Xamarin Form Gesture Effects
Add "advanced" gestures to Xamarin Forms. Available on all views. Most gesture commands include the event position.
<Label Text="Click here" IsEnabled="True" ui:Gesture.TapCommand="{Binding OpenLinkCommand}" />
Or in code:
var label = new Label();
Vapolia.Lib.Ui.Gesture.SetTapCommand(label, new Command(() => { /*your code*/ }));
Quick start
Add the above nuget package to your Xamarin Forms project (only the netstandard one is enough).
In your platform projects (android,ios,uwp), before initializing xamarin forms, call Vapolia.Lib.Effects.PlatformGestureEffect.Init();
to force the discovery of this extension by the Xamarin Forms plugin engine.
The views on which the gesture is applied should have the property IsEnabled="True" and InputTransparent="False" which activates user interaction on them.
Add Gesture.TapCommand on any supported xaml view:
<StackLayout ui:Gesture.TapCommand="{Binding OpenLinkCommand}">
<Label Text="1.Tap this to open an url" />
Declare the corresponding namespace:
<ContentPage xmlns=""
And in the viewmodel:
public Command OpenLinkCommand => new Command(() =>
//do something
Supported Gestures
TapCommand (ICommand)
DoubleTapCommand (ICommand)
PanCommand (ICommand)
LongPressCommand (ICommand)
TapPointCommand (ICommand or Command<Point>)
where point is the absolute tap position relative to the viewDoubleTapPoinCommand (ICommand or Command<Point>)
where point is the absolute double tap position relative to the viewPanPointCommand (ICommand or Command<PanEventArgs>)
where point is the absolute position relative to the viewLongPressPointCommand (ICommand or Command<Point>)
where point is the absolute tap position relative to the viewSwipeLeftCommand
PinchCommand (Command<PinchEventArgs>)
Set to true to receive the PanCommand or PanPointCommand event on touch down, instead of after a minimum move distance. Default to false.
Somme commands in XAML
<StackLayout ui:Gesture.TapCommand="{Binding OpenCommand}" IsEnabled="True">
<Label Text="1.Tap this text to open an url" />
<StackLayout ui:Gesture.DoubleTapPointCommand="{Binding OpenPointCommand}" IsEnabled="True">
<Label Text="2.Double tap this text to open an url" />
ui:Gesture.PanPointCommand="{Binding PanPointCommand}"
HeightRequest="200" WidthRequest="300"
In the viewmodel:
public ICommand OpenCommand => new Command(async () =>
public ICommand OpenPointCommand => new Command<PointEventArgs>(point =>
PanX = point.X;
PanY = point.Y;
public ICommand PanPointCommand => new Command<PanEventArgs>(args =>
var point = args.Point;
PanX = point.X;
PanY = point.Y;
Exemple in C# on a Grid containing an horizontal slider (set value on tap)
//Tap anywhere to set value
Gesture.SetTapPointCommand(this, new Command<PointEventArgs>(pt =>
var delta = (pt.X - Padding.Left) / (Width - Padding.Left - Padding.Right);
if(delta<0 || delta>1)
Value = (int)Math.Round((Maximum - Minimum) * delta);
Only commands are supported (PR welcome for events). No .NET events. So you must use the MVVM pattern (
Swipe commands are not supported on UWP due to a bug (event not received). If you find it, notify me! PinchCommand is not supported (yet) on UWP. PR welcome.
If your command is not receiving events, make sure that:
- you used the correct handler. Ie: the
should benew Command<PointEventArgs>(pt => ...)
- you set IsEnabled="True" and InputTransparent="False" on the element
UWP requires fall creator update
Breaking changes
Version 3.3.3 has breaking changes:
- Point commands now gives a
instead of a Point. ie:Command<PointEventArgs>
- Initialization namespace is unified across platforms:
Version 3.3.0 has breaking changes:
- Command names have changed
- PanPointCommand returns an absolute position, not a relative position anymore. It also returns the gesture state. The gesture can also be cancelled.