a more elegant way to show message / tips.
- Live demo
- Browser support: tested under IE6+, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Mobile Safari
- Light, Elegant, No hard dependency
1. installaion
Place the js/css file on you page, and use the Essage
object to manage your message:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="essage.css">
<script src="essage.js"></script>
2. API: show
or hide
- show(message, timeout) show message
// The argument `message` can be html(string).'<b>hello</b>, im a message.');
auto hide: If timeout
{Number} is specific, the message will hide automaticlly after timeout
// `timeout` should be a number'i willl hide automaticlly after 2 seconds', 2000);
config: And, the message
can be an object:
var message = {
message: 'message body',
// add class `essage-success` to the container
// by default, there're 4 status: normal, warning, success, error
status: 'success',
// the placement can be `top` or `bottom`, by default is `top`
placement: 'bottom'
};, 3000);
- hide() hide message
3. MIT licence
Licensed under MIT. liccese.txt