

[!WARNING] README outdated and will be updated soon, see test folder for latest examples.

Circom Circuits Library for Machine Learning

Run npm run test to test all circomlib-ml circuit templates.

Disclaimer: This package is not affiliated with circom, circomlib, or iden3.



This respository contains 2 main folders:

├── ArgMax.circom
├── AveragePooling2D.circom
├── BatchNormalization2D.circom
├── Conv1D.circom
├── Conv2D.circom
├── Dense.circom
├── Flatten2D.circom
├── MaxPooling2D.circom
├── Poly.circom
├── ReLU.circom
├── SumPooling2D.circom
├── circomlib
│   ├── aliascheck.circom
│   ├── babyjub.circom
│   ├── binsum.circom
│   ├── bitify.circom
│   ├── comparators.circom
│   ├── compconstant.circom
│   ├── escalarmulany.circom
│   ├── escalarmulfix.circom
│   ├── mimc.circom
│   ├── montgomery.circom
│   ├── mux3.circom
│   ├── sign.circom
│   └── switcher.circom
├── circomlib-matrix
│   ├── matElemMul.circom
│   ├── matElemSum.circom
│   └── matMul.circom
├── crypto
│   ├── ecdh.circom
│   ├── encrypt.circom
│   └── publickey_derivation.circom
└── util.circom
├── AveragePooling2D.js
├── BatchNormalization.js
├── Conv1D.js
├── Conv2D.js
├── Dense.js
├── Flatten2D.js
├── IsNegative.js
├── IsPositive.js
├── Max.js
├── MaxPooling2D.js
├── ReLU.js
├── SumPooling2D.js
├── circuits
│   ├── AveragePooling2D_stride_test.circom
│   ├── AveragePooling2D_test.circom
│   ├── BatchNormalization_test.circom
│   ├── Conv1D_test.circom
│   ├── Conv2D_stride_test.circom
│   ├── Conv2D_test.circom
│   ├── Dense_test.circom
│   ├── Flatten2D_test.circom
│   ├── IsNegative_test.circom
│   ├── IsPositive_test.circom
│   ├── MaxPooling2D_stride_test.circom
│   ├── MaxPooling2D_test.circom
│   ├── Max_test.circom
│   ├── ReLU_test.circom
│   ├── SumPooling2D_stride_test.circom
│   ├── SumPooling2D_test.circom
│   ├── decryptMultiple_test.circom
│   ├── decrypt_test.circom
│   ├── ecdh_test.circom
│   ├── encryptDecrypt_test.circom
│   ├── encryptMultiple_test.circom
│   ├── encrypt_test.circom
│   ├── encrypted_mnist_latest_test.circom
│   ├── mnist_convnet_test.circom
│   ├── mnist_latest_precision_test.circom
│   ├── mnist_latest_test.circom
│   ├── mnist_poly_test.circom
│   ├── mnist_test.circom
│   ├── model1_test.circom
│   └── publicKey_test.circom
├── encryption.js
├── mnist.js
├── mnist_convnet.js
├── mnist_latest.js
├── mnist_latest_precision.js
├── mnist_poly.js
└── model1.js

Template descriptions:

Weights and biases scaling:

An example is provided below.

Scaling example: mnist_poly

In models/mnist_poly.ipynb, a sample model of Conv2d-Poly-Dense layers was trained on the MNIST dataset. After training, the weights and biases must be properly scaled before inputting into the circuit:

We can easily see that a deeper network would have to sacrifice precision, due to the limitation that Circom works under a finite field of modulo p which is around 254 bits. As log(2**254)~76, we need to make sure total scaling do not aggregate to exceed 10**76 (or even less) times. On average, a network with l layers should be scaled by less than or equal to 10**(76//l) times.