

VSE Quick Functions Addon For Blender 4.0

VSEQF is an overhaul for Blender's VSE that can completely change your workflow. Designed for quick, mouse and keyboard balanced editing with a focus on real-time feedback.

Development for this script is supported by my multimedia and video production business, Creative Life Productions
But, time spent working on this addon is time I cannot spend earning a living, so if you find this addon useful, consider donating:

paypalBitcoin Donate QR Code <br> 1JnX9ZFsvUaMp13YiQgr9V36EbTE2SA8tz

Or support me by hiring Creative Life Productions if you have a need for the services provided.


What Can VSEQF Do?

VSEQF is designed to speed up your editing by giving you new tools, and improving the usability of Blender's built-in tools.


Connect two (or more) strips together and have them behave as one. Children will move along with the parent, be cut when the parent is cut, and even synchronize edge adjustments.

Open the parenting menu with 'Ctrl-P', or press 'Shift-P' to select children, or find parenting options in the sequencer sidebar under the 'Adjust' panel.

Timeline Ripple

Automatically adjust the position of strips following the current one. Keep all the following strips in sync while you make cuts, deletes and movements.

Press 'Alt' while grabbing a strip to toggle ripple mode, or press 'Alt-Delete' to ripple delete strips.

Strip Cutting

New strip cutting menu and panel, quickly trim strips in a variety of time-saving ways.

Press 'Ctrl-K' to open the cuts menu, or find the 'Quick Cuts' panel in the sequencer sidebar.

Fades And Audio Adjustments

Add, adjust or remove fades with a single click, and quickly add crossfades between strips.

Press 'F' to add or adjust fades on selected strips, press 'Shift-F' to open the fades menu, or find the 'Quick Fades' panel in the sequencer sidebar.

Draw Curve
Draw a volume curve directly over an audio strip.

Press 'V' while an audio strip is active.


Create marker presets to organize your timeline, jump to any markers in the timeline.

Find the 'Quick Markers' panel in the sequencer sidebar, add marker presets with 'Alt-M'.

Tags And Strip Markers

Organize strips with tags, select strips based on a tag.

Strip Markers
Convert tags into strip markers to highlight a section of a strip.

Found in the 'Quick Tags' panel in the sequencer sidebar, or press 'Shift-M' to add and modifiy marker tags.

Context Menus

Context Menus
More contextual context menus. Easy access to options that really matter depending on what the mouse is over.

Right click while in left-click mode, or press 'W' or '`'.

Zoom Menus

Zoom Menus
Quickly jump to useful zoom sizes, or save and load the best zoom levels for your current project.

Press 'Z' to open the Quick Zooms menu.

Three Point Editing

Three Point Editing
Use movie clips like a file bin, import clips and store in/out points based on time indexes, then drop them into the timeline when you want.

Found in the '3 Point Edit' panel in sidebar in the file browser and movie clip editor areas.

Sequence Editor Additions

The built-in 'grab', 'select', 'cut', 'delete', 'make meta strip' and 'import' operators have been added to, this enables:


Enables quick navigation of the timeline using the number pad.

7<br>Cursor back one second8<br>9<br>Cursor forward one second
4<br>Reverse/slower playback5<br>Play/pause6<br>Forward/faster playback
1<br>Cursor back one frame2<br>3<br>Cursor forward one frame
<br>/<br>Cut menu*<br>
7<br>Previous marker8<br>9<br>Next marker
4<br>Previous sequence edge5<br>6<br>Next sequence edge
1<br>Previous keyframe2<br>3<br>Next keyframe
<br>/<br>Ripple cut*<br>
7<br>Left one second8<br>Up one channel9<br>Right one second
4<br>Left 1/2 second5<br>Grab/move6<br>Right 1/2 second
1<br>Left one frame2<br>Down one channel3<br>Right one frame
<br>/<br>Cut trim*<br>
7<br>Zoom to 10 minutes8<br>Zoom to selected9<br>Zoom to all
4<br>Zoom to 1 minute5<br>Zoom to 2 minutes6<br>Zoom to 5 minutes
1<br>Zoom to 2 seconds2<br>Zoom to 10 seconds3<br>Zoom to 30 seconds


Context menus in the sequencer are more contextual based on what the mouse is over.
Pressing the 'W' or '`' key on the sequencer will open the menu.
When Blender is in Left-click mode, the Right-click will open this menu.

None of the menu options are unique, some are built-in in blender, some are provided by other parts of this script.

Note that all menus start with the undo operator.

The different menu types are:


Warning: This is very much alpha, it will likely change quite a bit in future versions, and may even be removed and put into another addon.
To use this properly, your screen layout should have a file browser area, a movie clip editor area, and at least one sequencer area. This function may not work correctly if all these areas are not present.

If sequence that shares the same source as a loaded clip is active, that clip will be displayed in the clip editor.

When a video file is selected in the file browser, a new panel is added to the tools panel, '3 Point Edit'. The 'Import To Clip Editor' button will load the selected video file into the clip editor area.

The clip editor now has a new panel in the properties panel, '3 Point Edit'.
To use the following options, the clip does not need to have been loaded via the filebrowser button, any movie clip will work.


Enables one-click adding or changing a fade-in or fade-out.
Also enables one-click crossfading between multiple strips. Adds a fade adjustment function to provide visual feedback while editing fades directly in the sequencer.

Fades Panel

The 'QuickFades' panel provides buttons for setting and removing fades.
Can be found in the sequence editor properties panel, or by pressing the 'shift-f' key over the sequencer.
Detected fades will also be shown on the active strip in the timeline, or in the edit strip properties panel. Fades will be automatically moved if the edges of the strip are changed. If context menus are enabled, fades can be set by right clicking on the edges of a strip.

Fades Modal Operator

The Modal Fades Operator can be activated by pressing the 'f' key over the sequencer.
This will apply fades to all selected strips. If only the strip is selected, it will default to applying fades to both edges, if a strip edge is selected, it will default to applying a fade only to that edge.
To effectively use this operator, you must be able to see the beginning or and of the selected strips.

While the operator is running:

When you are satisfied with the fade positions, left-click or press enter to confirm, or right-click or press escape to cancel.


A menu for extra cursor and strip snapping functions.

Can be found in the sequence editor 'Strip' menu, or by pressing the 's' key over the sequencer.
If context menu is enabled, some snaps will be found on right clicking the cursor, and some while right clicking strips.


A menu with zoom shortcuts.

Can be found in the sequence editor 'View' menu, or by pressing the 'z' key over the sequencer.
If context menus are enabled, can be found by right clicking in an open area.


This implements a parenting system for sequences, any children of a moved or cut sequence will have the same operations performed on them.
If the sequence is cut, any children under the cursor will be cut as well, and the script will duplicate parent/child relationships to the cut sequences.
If the parent sequence is resized and a child sequences have the same endpoints, they will be resized as well.

Can be found in the sequence editor properties panel under "Edit Strip", or by pressing the 'Ctrl-p' key over the sequencer.
If context menus are enabled, the QuickParents popup menu will be shown when right clicking a sequence as well.
Children or Parents of selected sequence will be shown in these places.

Parenting relationships are show in the timeline view for the active sequence, a light line indicates children of the active sequence, a dark line indicates a parent of the active sequence.

These settings can also be found in the Quick Functions Settings menu.


Add markers to the timeline using name presets, or quickly jump to and remove any marker.

Can be found in the sequence editor properties panel under 'QuickMarkers', also Alt-M in the sequencer.


Create tags, text snippets that can describe sequences, and apply them to any sequences in the timeline. All sequences with a specific tag can be easily selected with one click.


Provides a quick interface for basic and advanced cutting and trimming functions.

Known Problems

I welcome any help with these problems, if you have an idea on how to fix them, please contact me.

Future Possibilities

These are things I want to add, but I don't yet know how to, or have not yet had the time to implement.