


Very basic command line wallet for Libra, written in Python.

Uses bandprotocol's <a href="https://github.com/bandprotocol/pylibra">pylibra</a> module.

Currently, only whole amounts of Libra can be transacted with. Only five accounts are generated, but the code can easily be tweaked to accommodate more.


Navigate to the desired directory.

mkdir LibraTerminal && cd LibraTerminal

Create a virtual environment:

virtualenv librawallet

Activate it:

source librawallet/bin/activate

Get the necessary Python modules:

pip3 install pylibra

pip3 install termcolor

pip3 install pyqrcode

Now create a new file:

sudo nano wallet.py

Copy the contents of this repository's <b>wallet.py</b>, paste them into your text editor and save it (CTRL-X, select 'y' when prompted).

Now we can run it:

python3 wallet.py

Don't forget to deactivate the virtual environment when you're finished.
