

The Advance Input Component for Quasar@v1

The Advance Input Component for Quasar is used as single-line input box for date, time, password, color, selete etc.


Above Quasar@v1.0.0-beta.11.

You should enable these quasar components before used(quasar.conf.js):

QBtn, QIcon, QPopupProxy, QCard, QCardSection, QToolbar, QToolbarTitle, QInput, QSelect, QDate, QTime, QColor, QChip

The quasar directive: close-popup and the vue-i18n plugin.

There are four internal slots as the same as the QInput component:

There are new two external slots in the QInputEx component:

new properties:

The qinputex/dist/ is output for es2015, esm, umd, cjs.

require('qinputex/dist/es2015/components/qinputex/qinputex') will only register the basic input types(text, textarea, number) to QInputEx.

require('qinputex/dist/es2015/') will register all input types to QInputEx


import { QInputEx, InputHistoryItem } from 'qinputex';
import { Vue, Component, Prop, Mixins, Watch } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { VNode, CreateElement } from 'vue';

  components: {
export class MyApp extends Vue {
  protected searchHistory: InputHistoryItem[] = [];
  render(h: CreateElement) {
    // return h(QInputEx, {props:{type: 'color', value: '#ff0000'}})
    return <q-input-ex type="color" value="#ff0000"/>;
    return <q-input-ex type="search"
      onSearch={text: string => console.log(`search... ${text}`)}
        history: this.searchHistory,
        pinHistory:[{icon:'cake',value:'nice cake'}],
        maxHistory: 3,
        icon: 'search',
        color: 'white',
        textColor: 'black',

Create a new input type

It can register other input types more easy. such as the date type for QDate:

import { QInputEx, register, InputType } from 'qinputex';

function padStr(value: number, size: number = 2): string {
  var s = String(value);
  while (s.length < size) {s = "0" + s;}
  return s;

function getCurrentYM() {
  const vDate = new Date();
  const result = vDate.getFullYear() + '/' + padStr(vDate.getMonth()+1, 2);
  return result;

export const DateInput: InputType = {
  name: 'date',
  type: 'text',
  mask: 'date',
  rules: ['date'],
  attaches: {
    'append': {
      icon: 'event',
      popup: {
        ref: 'date',
        name: 'QDate',
        attrs: {
          'default-year-month': getCurrentYM()
        on: {
          input(value, reason, detail, attach) {
            // close the popup.
            if (['day', 'today'].indexOf(reason) !== -1) attach.popup.hide();
            // if you wanna change the value here:
            return value;


const PasswordInput = {
  name: 'password',
  type: 'password',
  attaches: {
    'before': {
      icon: 'vpn_key',
    'append': {
      icon: 'visibility',
      click: function() {
        this.isVisiblePwd = !this.isVisiblePwd;
        this.attaches.append.icon = this.isVisiblePwd ? 'visibility_off' : 'visibility';
        this.nativeType = this.isVisiblePwd ? 'text': 'password';
