

SQL Templates Tag

Build Status

ES6 tag functions for SQL template strings.

WARNING: This project is still under development and the API is subject to change.


sql-tags uses ES6 template strings to generate a function that can then be used to create a query string based on rules, fragments, specified in the template string. The primary objective sql-tags is to create a lightweight API to make it easy to work with SQL queries and JavaScript objects.

The generated function's arguments are used by the fragments to generate a query.


const sql = require('sql-tags');

const usersTable = 'users';
const usersTableColumns = ['id', 'email', 'password', 'active', 'created', 'modified'];

const findUsersQuery = sql`
  SELECT ${usersTableColumns}
  FROM ${usersTable}
  WHERE ${{ equals: { join: 'AND', whenEmpty: 'TRUE' } }}

userSelectQuery({ email: 'foobar@example.com', active: true });
// => {
// =>   text: 'SELECT "id", "email", "password", "active", "created", "modified" FROM users WHERE "email" = $1 AND "active" = $2',
// =>   values: ['foo@bar.com', true]
// => }

// => {
// =>   text: 'SELECT "id", "email", "password", "active", "created", "modified" FROM users WHERE TRUE',
// =>   values: []
// => }

// => {
// =>   text: 'SELECT "id", "email", "password", "active", "created", "modified" FROM users WHERE TRUE',
// =>   values: []
// => }

const updateUsersQuery = sql`
  UPDATE ${usersTable}
  SET ${{ equals: { join: ',', skip: ['id'] } }}
  WHERE "id" = ${{ value: 'id' }}

updateUsersQuery({ id: 4, email: 'foobar@example.com', modified: new Date() });
// => {
// =>   text: 'UPDATE users SET "email" = $1 , "modified" = $2 WHERE "id" = $3',
// =>   values: ['foobar@example.com', "Mon Dec 07 2015 09:36:00 GMT-0500 (EST)", 4]
// => }


Value Fragment

The Value Fragment generates a parameterized query string in the form of value.

  value: <value key>

Equals Fragment

The Equals Fragment generates a parameterized query string in the form of "key" = value and joins each string with the join param. It also has options available to skip keys and for empty args.

  equals: {
    join: <join string>,
    skip: [<skip args>],
    whenEmpty: <empty string>

Custom Fragment

Custom Fragments are just a query with the signature of:

function (args, paramIndexStart) {
  return {
    text: <query fragment>,
    values: [<query params>]

Custom Fragments must return an object that contains the query fragment text and values. Values must be in parameterized query form of $<num> start with the paramIndexStart.

function simpleTrueFragment(args, paramIndexStart) {
  return {
    text: '$' + paramIndexStart,
    values: [true]

const query = sql`
  SELECT ${simpleTrueFragment}

// => {
// =>   text: 'SELECT $1',
// =>   values: [true]
// => }
