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jQuery plugin to tagging like a charm!

taggingJS is a jQuery plugin to create an high customizable front-end tag system. It is like 5 kb and support major browsers in the world!

Actual version is 1.3.3.

Example Image

Getting Started

You can find a working example in Codepen.io or in the project's GitHub page.


  1. Download the tagging.min.js file from this repository;

  2. Include <script src="path/to/tagging.min.js"></script> to the bottom of your page;

  3. Optional - Include the basic CSS tag style <link href="tag-basic-style.css" rel="stylesheet"> to the <head> of your page;

  4. Add to your page something like <div data-tags-input-name="tag" id="tagBox">preexisting-tag</div>;

  5. Add to your main JavaScript file $("#tagBox").tagging();;

The data-tags-input-name="tag" is the name attribute used by each input inside the tagBox.

Manipulate tags with methods

Here there are some common pattern to manipulate tags inside the tag box:

N.B.: $tag_box is the tag box object. To get it:

var t, $tag_box;

// We call taggingJS init on all "#tag" divs
t = $( "#tag" ).tagging();

// This is the $tag_box object of the first captured div
$tag_box = t[0];

Get all tags (object)

// To get all tags inside tag box as an array of String
$tag_box.tagging( "getTags" );
>>> ["preexisting-tag", "another-tag"]

// To get all tags inside tag box as an array of jQuery Object
$tag_box.tagging( "getTagsObj" );
>>> [x.fn.x.init[1], x.fn.x.init[1]]

Add new tags

// To add a tag with "A new tag added via JS" as text
$tag_box.tagging( "add", "A new tag added via JS" );
>>> true

// To add two tag, one with "tag 1" and the other with "tag 2" as text
$tag_box.tagging( "add", ["tag 1", "tag 2"] );
>>> ["tag 1", "tag 2"]

Remove a tag

// To remove a tag with text "A new tag added via JS" as text
$tag_box.tagging( "remove", "A new tag added via JS" );
>>> $_obj

// To remove two tag, one with "tag 1" and the other with "tag 2" as text
$tag_box.tagging( "remove", ["tag 1", "tag 2"] );
>>> [$_obj]

// Suppose that $tag is the jQuerify object of a tag inside the tag box, you can also do
$tag_box.tagging( "remove", $tag] );
>>> $_obj

Remove all tags

// To remove all tags
$tag_box.tagging( "removeAll" );

// or
$tag_box.tagging( "reset" );

Get Special Keys

// To get special Keys without distinctions
$tag_box.tagging( "getSpecialKeys" );
>>> Object {comma: 188, enter: 13, spacebar: 32, del: 46, backspace: 8}

// To get special Keys with distinctions
$tag_box.tagging( "getSpecialKeysD" );
>>> Object {add: Object, remove: Object}

Add or Remove a Special Key

// To add the "left arrow" as a special key to add a new tag
$tag_box.tagging( "addSpecialKeys", [ "add", { left_arrow: 37 } ] );

// To add the "right arrow" as a special key to remove a tag
$tag_box.tagging( "addSpecialKeys", [ "remove", { right_arrow: 39 } ] );

// To remove the "right arrow" as a special key
$tag_box.tagging( "removeSpecialKeys", ["remove", 39] );

Disable taggingJS

// To disable taggingJS
$tag_box.tagging( "destroy" );

Empty the type_zone

// To disable taggingJS
$tag_box.tagging( "emptyInput" );

Get or Set the value of type_zone

// To set "value" as value of the input
$tag_box.tagging( "valInput", "value" );

// To get the value of the input
$tag_box.tagging( "valInput" );

Trigger Focus event the type_zone

// To Trigger Focus event the input
$tag_box.tagging( "focusInput" );

Detect when a Tag is Added or Removed

// Execute callback when a tag is added
$tag_box.on( "add:after", function ( el, text, tagging ) {
  console.log( "Added tag: ", text );

// Execute callback when a tag is removed
$tag_box.on( "remove:after", function ( el, text, tagging ) {
  console.log( "Removed tag: ", text );

Please, see all Available Methods.


There are several ways to customize the default behavior of taggingJS:

  1. Use a JavaScript custom_options object to customize the global taggingJS behavior (see First Way);

  2. Use data attributes in the tagBox HTML Markup (see Second Way);

  3. Use a combination of the first two way (see Third Way);

N.B.: Be careful! data attributes have an higher priority than the custom_options object, because each data attribute overwrite the global behavior. In other words, the global settings work for all tags box captured, unless in these are specified data attributes (which may change the behavior).

First Way - Global Object

  1. Create a custom options object, like this my_custom_options (see Available Options):

    var my_custom_options = {
    	"no-duplicate": true,
    	"no-duplicate-callback": window.alert,
    	"no-duplicate-text": "Duplicate tags",
    	"type-zone-class": "type-zone",
    	"tag-box-class": "tagging",
    	"forbidden-chars": [",", ".", "_", "?"]
  2. Create a tag box (or multiple tag box) like this:

    <div id="tagBox">preexisting-tag</div>
  3. Add to your main JavaScript file:

    $("#tagBox").tagging( my_custom_options );

In this way, we customize the global behavior of taggingJS for all tag box caught with selector.

Second Way - Data Attributes

  1. Create a tag box with some data attributes, like this (see Available Options):

    	data-no-duplicate-text="Duplicate tags"
  2. Add to your main JavaScript file:


N.B.: Use data method with no-duplicate-callback and forbidden-chars can cause some problems. Avoid it.

Third Way - Mixed Way

In this way, we mix data attributes and options object to customize taggingJS behavior for each tag box.

  1. Create a tag box with some data attributes, like this:

    <div class="tag-box"
  2. Create another tag box with no data attributes:

    <div id="tagBox1" class="tag-box">preexisting-tag</div>
  3. Create a custom options object, like this my_custom_options (see Available Options):

    var my_custom_options = {
    	"no-duplicate": false,
    	"tags-input-name": "taggone",
    	"edit-on-delete": false,
  4. Add to your main JavaScript file

    $(".tag-box").tagging( my_custom_options );

Now you may see that:

Available Options

Below there are the available options to customize taggingJS with type, a little description and the default value:

case-sensitiveBooleanfalseIf false, all text is treated like lowercase.
close-charString"&times;"Single Tag close character.
close-classString"tag-i"Single Tag close class.
edit-on-deleteBooleantruetrue to edit tag that has just been removed from tag box.
forbidden-charsArray["," , ".", "_", "?"]Array of forbidden characters.
forbidden-chars-callbackFunctionwindow.alertFunction to call when is detected a forbidden character.
forbidden-chars-textString"Forbidden character:"Basic text passed to forbidden-chars-callback.
forbidden-wordsArray[]Array of forbidden words.
forbidden-words-callbackFunctionwindow.alertFunction to call when is detected a forbidden words.
forbidden-words-textString"Forbidden word:"Basic text passed to forbidden-words-callback.
no-backspaceBooleanfalseBackspace key remove last tag by default, true to avoid that.
no-commaBooleanfalseComma "," key add a new tag by default, true to avoid that.
no-delBooleanfalseDel key remove last tag by default, true to avoid that.
no-duplicateBooleantrueIf true, there will be no duplicate tag's name in the tag box.
no-duplicate-callbackFunctionwindow.alertFunction to call when is detected a duplicate tag.
no-duplicate-textString"Duplicate tag:"Basic text passed to no-duplicate-callback.
no-enterBooleanfalseEnter key add a new tag by default, true to avoid that.
no-spacebarBooleanfalseSpacebar key add a new tag by default. true to avoid that.
pre-tags-separatorString", "This is used to split the initial text and add preexistint-tag. By default, you must put new tags using a comma and a space (", ").
tag-box-classString"tagging"Class of the tag box.
tag-box-editable-classString"editable"Class of the tag box when editable, used together with tags-limit option for css targeting.
tag-charString"#"Single Tag char.
tag-classString"tag"Single Tag class.
tag-on-blurBooleantrueIf true, clicking away from the $type_zone will add a new tag.
tags-input-nameString"tag"Name to use as name="" in single tags' input. By default, all tags being passed as array like tag[].
tags-limitInteger0Limit the number of tags that can be added, zero for no limit.
type-zone-classString"type-zone"Class of the type-zone.

Available Methods

Below there are the available methods of taggingJS with a little description, the argument that it can take and the return type:

add( text or [text] )Add a new tag.A String (or an Array of String) to add as tag, if null we get the content of tag box type_zone.Boolean or Funtion
add:after( function )Execute the function after add a Tag.Depends on the function used as callback.Generic
addSpecialKeys( [ "type", obj ] )Add a special keys to add or remove a tag.Array - Where "type" is "add" or "remove", obj is like { key_name: key_code } (it can be also an Array of obj).A String for error or Object Actually "type"_key (add_key or remove_key).
destroy()Remove type_zone, all tags and other things.voidBoolean
emptyInput()Empty tag box's type_zone.void$_obj - The jQuerified type_zone itself.
focusInput()Trigger focus on tag box's type_zone.void$_obj - The jQuerified type_zone itself.
getDataOptions()Get Data attributes custom options.voidObject - tag box data attributes custom options.
getSpecialKeys()Return all special keys inside an object (without distinction)voidObject - All tags as member of strings.
getSpecialKeysD()Return all special keys inside an object (with distinction)voidAn Object with an add and remove properties.
getTagsObj()Return all tags as objectvoidArray - All tags as member of objects.
init()Init method to bootstrap all thingsvoid$_obj - The jQuerify tag box.
refresh( text )Remove and insert all tagA String with all tags separated by pre-tags-separator option value (if null, we call getTags method)Boolean
remove( text or $_obj )Remove last tag or the specified ones in tag box's type_zone.A String or $_obj (or an Array of them) of the tag to remove.A String with error message or $_obj of the removed tag.
remove:after( function )Execute the function after remove a Tag.Depends on the function used as callback.Generic
removeAll()Alias of resetvoidArray - All removed tags.
removeSpecialKeys( [ "type", obj ] )Remove a special key .Array - Where "type" is "add" or "remove", obj is like { key_name: key_code } (it can be also an Array of obj).Object - Actually "type"_key (add_key or remove_key).
reset()Remove all tags from tag box's type_zonevoidArray - All removed tags.
valInput( text )Get or set the tag box type_zone's valueA String to put as tag box type_zone's value.The value String or $_obj of tag box's type_zone.

You can find example here.


Set Up nodeJS and Grunt

  1. Fork the repository;

  2. Open a shell in project's directory;

  3. Type npm install (make sure you have installed nodeJS);

  4. Type grunt to execute the default script (without minification), grunt dist to also minify the script (make sure you have installed Grunt).

JavaScript Style Guide

I follow the jQuery's JavaScript style guide, please follow it you too :D

Also take a look to IdiomaticJS (Principles of Writing Consistent, Idiomatic JavaScript).


Browser Support

Supports all major browsers in the world (IE 6+, Mozilla Firefox 1+, Google Chrome 1+, Safari 5.1+).


(C) Fabrizio Fallico 2014, released under the MIT license.

Changelog (v1.3.X)

1.3.3 - [Oct 24, 2014]

1.3.1 - [Apr 28, 2014]