

Calibrated and Partially Calibrated Semi-generalized Homographies

This code library is an implementation of our proposed minimal solvers for computing semi-generalised homographies for calibrated and partially-calibrated cameras :

  1. Calibrated case : sh5_2, sh5_3, sh5_4, sh4.5_2, sh4.5_3
  2. Partially calibrated case : sh5f_2, sh5f_3

Additionally, we also have two absolute pose solvers designed for our homography setup :

  1. Calibrated case : P3P+N
  2. Partially calibrated case : P5Pf+N

We have also released the Macaulay2 scripts for computing the elimination ideals (Please refer to [1] for more details) :

  1. Calibrated case : input_sh5.txt
  2. Partially calibrated case : input_sh5f.txt

Executing Macaulay2 script :

  1. Based on the operating system, please refer to Macaulay2 for instructions on how to setup.
  2. Each of the two scripts compute the elimination ideals and write to .txt files.

Executing the Minimal Solvers


[1] Bhayani, S., Sattler, T., Baráth, D., Beliansky, P., Heikkila, J., & Kukelova, Z. (2021). Calibrated and Partially Calibrated Semi-Generalized Homographies. ArXiv, abs/2103.06535.