

Snap Framework Hackage Status

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Snap is a simple and fast web development framework and server written in Haskell. For more information about Snap, read the README.SNAP.md or visit the Snap project website at http://www.snapframework.com/.

Library contents

This is top-level project for the Snap Framework, which contains:

The command-line utility snap for creating initial Snap applications used to be a part of this package. As of version 1.0, the snap command-line utility is no longer provided by this package. It is now provided by the package snap-templates.

Building snap

After you clone the repository, change to the newly created snap directory and run

git submodule update --init --recursive
cabal build all

(You may want to look at pull.sh or pullLatestMaster.sh.) This updates all the Snap Framework dependencies to the correct version. The snap library is built using Cabal and Hackage.

Building with Nix

A Nix shell is provided and can be entered using nix-shell.

If using nix-direnv, run the following:

echo 'use nix' > .envrc && direnv allow

Building the Haddock Documentation

The haddock documentation can either be built for snap using cabal haddock snap, or for the git submodules as well using cabal haddock-project.

Building the testsuite

Build and run the test suite using cabal test all.

Roadmap to Understanding Snaplets

  1. Read Tutorial.lhs which is in the project_template/tutorial/src directory of the snap-templates package.
  2. Generate and read the haddock docs.
  3. The test code has the nice property that it actually functions as a pretty good example app and covers a lot of the use cases.
  4. If you're interested in the implementation, read design.md.