

Universal Cell Embeddings

This repo includes a PyTorch HuggingFace Accelerator implementation of the UCE model, to be used to embed individual anndata datasets.


pip install -r requirements.txt

Embedding a new dataset

To generate an embedding for a new single-cell RNA sequencing dataset in the AnnData format, use the eval_single_anndata.py script.

python eval_single_anndata.py --adata_path {path_to_anndata} --dir {output_dir} --species {species} --model_loc {model_loc} --batch_size {batch_size}


For a sample output on the 10k pbmc dataset, run

python eval_single_anndata.py

All necessary model files will be downloaded automatically.

Note: This script makes use of additional files, which are described in the code documentation. These are downloaded automatically unless already present in the working directory. The script defaults to the pretrained 4-layer model. For running the pretrained 33-layer model from the paper, please download using this link and set --nlayers 33.


Final evaluated AnnData: dir/{dataset_name}.h5ad. This AnnData will be identical to the proccessed input anndata, but have UCE embeddings added in the .obsm["X_uce"] slot.

Please see documentation for information on additional output files. All outputs from eval_single_anndata.py are stored in the dir directory.


You can download processed datasets used in the papere here

Note: These datasets were embedded using the 33 layer model. Embeddings for the 33 layer model are not compatible with embeddings from the 4 layer model.


If you find our paper and code useful, please consider citing the preprint:

  title={Universal Cell Embeddings: A Foundation Model for Cell Biology},
  author={Rosen, Yanay and Roohani, Yusuf and Agrawal, Ayush and Samotorcan, Leon and Consortium, Tabula Sapiens and Quake, Stephen R and Leskovec, Jure},
  publisher={Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory}