


You can use EchoMimic & EchoMimic V2 in comfyui

Echomimic:Lifelike Audio-Driven Portrait Animations through Editable Landmark Conditioning
Echomimic_v2: Towards Striking, Simplified, and Semi-Body Human Animation

New Updates:

1. Installation

In the ./ComfyUI /custom_node directory, run the following:

git clone https://github.com/smthemex/ComfyUI_EchoMimic.git

2. Requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install --no-deps facenet-pytorch


pip uninstall torchaudio torchvision torch xformers
pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url  https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu124
pip install xformers
python -m pip uninstall torchaudio torchvision torch xformers
python -m pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url  https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu124
python -m pip install xformers
pip uninstall ffmpeg   
pip install ffmpeg-python  

Troubleshooting errors with stable-audio-tools / other audio issues

If using conda & python >3.12

Uninstall all & downgrade python

pip uninstall torchaudio torchvision torch xformers ffmpeg

conda uninstall python
conda install python=3.11.9

pip install --upgrade pip wheel
conda install pytorch==2.2.0 torchvision==0.17.0 torchaudio==2.2.0 pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch -c nvidia
or install torch 2.4 
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=12.4 -c pytorch -c nvidia

Should have most of these packages if you install the custom nodes from git urls

pip install flash-attn spandrel opencv-python diffusers jwt diffusers bitsandbytes omegaconf decord carvekit insightface easydict open_clip ffmpeg-python taming onnxruntime

3. Models Required

├── ComfyUI/models/ echo_mimic
|         ├── unet
|             ├── diffusion_pytorch_model.bin
|             ├── config.json
|         ├── audio_processor
|             ├── whisper_tiny.pt
|         ├── vae
|             ├── diffusion_pytorch_model.safetensors
|             ├── config.json

├── ComfyUI/models/echo_mimic
|         ├── denoising_unet.pth
|         ├── face_locator.pth
|         ├── motion_module.pth
|         ├── reference_unet.pth

Audio-Drived Algo Inference acc 音频驱动加速版

├── ComfyUI/models/echo_mimic
|         ├── denoising_unet_acc.pth
|         ├── face_locator.pth
|         ├── motion_module_acc.pth
|         ├── reference_unet.pth

Using Pose-Drived Algo Inference 姿态驱动

├── ComfyUI/models/echo_mimic
|         ├── denoising_unet_pose.pth
|         ├── face_locator_pose.pth
|         ├── motion_module_pose.pth
|         ├── reference_unet_pose.pth

Using Pose-Drived Algo Inference ACC 姿态驱动加速版

├── ComfyUI/models/echo_mimic
|         ├── denoising_unet_pose_acc.pth
|         ├── face_locator_pose.pth
|         ├── motion_module_pose_acc.pth
|         ├── reference_unet_pose.pth

3.2 v2 version
use model below V2, Automatic download, you can manually add it 使用以下模型,使用及自动下载,你可以手动添加:

├── ComfyUI/models/echo_mimic/v2
|         ├── denoising_unet.pth
|         ├── motion_module.pth
|         ├── pose_encoder.pth
|         ├── reference_unet.pth

YOLOm8 download link
sapiens pose download link
sapiens的pose 模型可以量化为fp16的,详细见我的sapiens插件 地址

├── ComfyUI/models/echo_mimic
|         ├── yolov8m.pt
|         ├── sapiens_1b_goliath_best_goliath_AP_639_torchscript.pt2  or/或者 sapiens_1b_goliath_best_goliath_AP_639_torchscript_fp16.pt2

4 Example

5 Function Description

--infer_mode:音频驱动视频生成,“audio_drived” 和"audio_drived_acc";
--infer_mode:参考pkl模型文件视频pose生成 "pose_normal", "pose_acc";
----motion_sync:如果打开且video_file有视频文件时,生成pkl文件,并生成参考视频的视频;pkl文件在input\tensorrt_lite 目录下,再次使用需要重启comfyUI。

--acc模型 ,6步就可以,但是质量略有下降;
--lowvram :低显存用户可以开启 lowvram users can enable it

Infir_mode: Audio driven video generation, "audio-d rived" and "audio-d rived_acc";
Infer_rode: Refer to the PKL model file to generate "pose_normal" and "pose_acc" for the video pose;
Motion_Sync: If opened and there is a video file in videoFILE, generate a pkl file and generate a reference video for the video; The pkl file is located in the input \ sensorrt_lite directory. To use it again, you need to restart ComfyUI.
Motion_Sync: If turned off and pose_mode is not 'none', read the pkl file of the selected pose_mode directory name and generate a pose video; If pose_mode is empty, generate a video based on the default assets \ test_pose_demo_pose

Special options:
--Save_video: If you do not want to use VH nodes, it can be turned on and turned off by default;
--Draw_mause: You can try it out;
--Length: frame rate, duration equal to length/fps;
--The ACC model only requires 6 steps, but the quality has slightly decreased;
--Built in image proportional cropping.
Special attention should be paid to:
--The cfg value is set to 1, which is only valid in turbo mode, otherwise an error will be reported.


Previous updates:

6 Citation


  title={EchoMimic: Lifelike Audio-Driven Portrait Animations through Editable Landmark Conditioning},
  author={Zhiyuan Chen, Jiajiong Cao, Zhiquan Chen, Yuming Li, Chenguang Ma},


  title={EchoMimicV2: Towards Striking, Simplified, and Semi-Body Human Animation},
  author={Rang Meng, Xingyu Zhang, Yuming Li, Chenguang Ma},


	title={Hallo2: Long-Duration and High-Resolution Audio-driven Portrait Image Animation},
	author={Jiahao Cui and Hui Li and Yao Yao and Hao Zhu and Hanlin Shang and Kaihui Cheng and Hang Zhou and Siyu Zhu and️ Jingdong Wang},


  title={Sapiens: Foundation for Human Vision Models},
  author={Khirodkar, Rawal and Bagautdinov, Timur and Martinez, Julieta and Zhaoen, Su and James, Austin and Selednik, Peter and Anderson, Stuart and Saito, Shunsuke},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.12569},