

Dropwizard Zipkin Bundle

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A bundle for submitting tracing data to Zipkin from Dropwizard applications. Internally, this library uses Brave to interface a Zipkin collector.

Dependency Info


Beginning with v1.2.2-4, if you are using the Kafka sender, you must explicitly add the kafka-clients dependency into your pom.xml as it has been excluded from the zipkin-core module.



Add a ZipkinBundle to your Application class.

private ZipkinBundle<HelloWorldConfiguration> zipkinBundle;

public void initialize(Bootstrap<HelloWorldConfiguration> bootstrap) {
  zipkinBundle = new ZipkinBundle<HelloWorldConfiguration>(getName()) {
    public ZipkinFactory getZipkinFactory(HelloWorldConfiguration configuration) {
      return configuration.getZipkinFactory();

public void run(HelloWorldConfiguration configuration, Environment environment) throws Exception {
  final Optional<HttpTracing> tracing = zipkinBundle.getHttpTracing();


For configuring the Zipkin connection, there is a ZipkinFactory:


  # Required properties
  # Whether tracing is enabled or not (defaults to true)
  enabled: true
  # Listening IP address of the service
  # Listening port of the service
  servicePort: 8080

  # Optional properties
  # Span collector to use (console, http, kafka or empty)
  collector: http
  # If using the http collector, provide the baseUrl
  # If using the http collector, timeout out when connecting (defaults to 10s)
  connectTimeout: 10s
  # If using the http collector, timeout out when reading the response (defaults to 60s)
  readTimeout: 60s
  # If using the kafka collector, provide the Kafka bootstrap servers

Example Application

This bundle includes a modified version of the HelloWorldApplication from Dropwizard's Getting Started documentation.

You can execute this application by first starting Zipkin on your local machine then running:

./mvnw clean package
java -jar zipkin-example/target/zipkin-example-*-SNAPSHOT.jar server zipkin-example/hello-world.yml

This will start the application on port 8080 (admin port 8180). This application demonstrations the following Zipkin integration points:


Please file bug reports and feature requests in GitHub issues.


Copyright (c) 2020 Smoke Turner, LLC

This library is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

See http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html or the LICENSE file in this repository for the full license text.