


A small Neovim plugin that provides a command for LSP renaming with immediate visual feedback thanks to Neovim's command preview feature.

<div align="center"> <video src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/40792180/197186202-d848ba0c-7d3b-4e01-8e99-36ad7d884308.mp4" width="85%"> </div>


This plugin requires at least Neovim 0.8

Install using your favorite package manager and call the setup function.

<details> <summary>lazy.nvim</summary>
  config = function()
</details> <details> <summary>packer.nvim</summary>
use {
  config = function()
</details> <details> <summary>vim-plug</summary>
Plug 'smjonas/inc-rename.nvim'

Somewhere in your init.lua, you will need to call the setup function:



Simply type :IncRename <new_name> while your cursor is on an LSP identifier. You could also create a keymap that types out the command name for you so you only have to enter the new name:

vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>rn", ":IncRename ")

If you want to fill in the word under the cursor you can use the following:

vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>rn", function()
  return ":IncRename " .. vim.fn.expand("<cword>")
end, { expr = true })
<details> <summary>💥 <code>noice.nvim</code> support</summary>

</br>If you are using noice.nvim, you can enable the inc_rename preset like this:

require("noice").setup {
  presets = { inc_rename = true }

Then simply type the :IncRename command (or use the keymap mentioned above).

<div align="center"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/40792180/197182365-31657338-2b17-4996-86b4-002b4c2d837e.png"> </div> </br> </details> <details> <summary>&#127800; <code>dressing.nvim</code> support</summary>

</br>If you are using dressing.nvim, set the input_buffer_type option to "dressing":

require("inc_rename").setup {
  input_buffer_type = "dressing",

Then simply type the :IncRename command and the new name you enter will automatically be updated in the input buffer as you type.

The result should look something like this:

<div align="center"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/40792180/188309667-0d7e8086-ae48-4a25-8b01-df11d229b8c6.png"> </div> </br>

:bulb: Tip - try these dressing.nvim settings to position the input box above the cursor to not cover the word being renamed (thank you @RaafatTurki for the suggestion!):

require("dressing").setup {
  input = {
    override = function(conf)
      conf.col = -1
      conf.row = 0
      return conf

Known issues

There have been reports of inc-rename not working with certain plugins and language servers:

Make sure to uninstall these if you are experiencing issues.


You can override the default settings by passing a Lua table to the setup function. The default options are:

require("inc_rename").setup {
 -- the name of the command
  cmd_name = "IncRename",
   -- the highlight group used for highlighting the identifier's new name
  hl_group = "Substitute",
   -- whether an empty new name should be previewed; if false the command preview will be cancelled instead
  preview_empty_name = false,
   -- whether to display a `Renamed m instances in n files` message after a rename operation
  show_message = true,
   -- whether to save the "IncRename" command in the commandline history (set to false to prevent issues with
   -- navigating to older entries that may arise due to the behavior of command preview)
  save_in_cmdline_history = true,
   -- the type of the external input buffer to use (the only supported value is currently "dressing")
  input_buffer_type = nil,
   -- callback to run after renaming, receives the result table (from LSP handler) as an argument
  post_hook = nil,
<details> <summary>💡 Renaming across multiple files</summary>

</br>When renaming across multiple files, make sure to save all affected buffers with :wa. If the Nvim option inccommand is set to split (:set inccommand=split), a buffer with information about all identifiers to be renamed will be shown as you type.

Here is an example of how this could look like:

<div align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/smjonas/inc-rename.nvim/assets/40792180/36cf0324-09a1-4b3b-8561-ffe3626d52b1"> </div> </details>