

<!-- HEADER --> <br /> <p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/othneildrew/Best-README-Template"> <img src="assets/android-chrome-192x192.png" alt="Logo" width="80" height="80"> </a> <h3 align="center">Photofield AI</h3> <p align="center"> Experimental machine learning API supporting <a href="https://github.com/SmilyOrg/photofield">Photofield</a>. <br /> <br /> <a href="https://github.com/SmilyOrg/photofield-ai/issues">Report Bug</a> · <a href="https://github.com/SmilyOrg/photofield-ai/issues">Request Feature</a> </p> </p> <!-- TABLE OF CONTENTS --> <details open="open"> <summary>Table of Contents</summary> <ol> <li> <a href="#about">About</a> <ul> <li><a href="#features">Features</a></li> <li><a href="#limitations">Limitations</a></li> <li><a href="#built-with">Built With</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="#getting-started">Getting Started</a></li> <li><a href="#usage">Usage</a></li> <li><a href="#configuration">Configuration</a></li> <li><a href="#development-setup">Development Setup</a></li> <li><a href="#contributing">Contributing</a></li> <li><a href="#license">License</a></li> <li><a href="#acknowledgements">Acknowledgements</a></li> </ol> </details>


Photofield AI is a companion to Photofield providing AI features. It's a separate REST API service both to keep the main app slim and because AI features are currently easier to implement in Python as opposed to Go. It is an API currently exposing the OpenAI CLIP image and text embedding functionality.


Returns OpenAI CLIP images and text embeddings that you can then compare with Cosine similarity for use in semantic image search. Image embedding runs at up to ~20 requests/sec on an i7-5820K CPU and up to ~200 requests/sec using a GeForce GTX 1070 Ti. Resource utilization with a GPU is low, so I imagine there are some bottlenecks in some parts of the system, but 200 requests/sec seems plenty enough as is.


The current REST API is tied pretty closely to Photofield. The machine learning model itself also has some limitations and bias, as was reported by OpenAI:

CLIP and our analysis of it have a number of limitations. CLIP currently struggles with respect to certain tasks such as fine grained classification and counting objects. CLIP also poses issues with regards to fairness and bias which we discuss in the paper and briefly in the next section.

See more on model use in the CLIP: Model Use section of the model card from OpenAI.

Built With

Getting Started


docker run -it -p 8081:8081 ghcr.io/smilyorg/photofield-ai:latest

The clip-vit-base-patch32-(visual|textual)-float16 models are currently bundled for a good out-of-the-box experience.

The Docker image is currently CPU-only as I'm currently unable to test Docker GPU support (help wanted).

Connect it with photofield by adding the following snippet to its configuration.yaml:

  # photofield-ai API server URL
  host: http://localhost:8081

From Source


  1. Python
  2. Poetry


  1. Download the source or clone the Git repository
  2. In the source directory you downloaded, run poetry install to install the required dependencies. You can also run poetry install --without gpu to skip installing GPU dependencies if you want to run it on CPU only (it is also a smaller install).
  3. After Poetry installs all the required dependencies, the server should be ready to run.


Run the server with poetry run python main.py. If you don't specify any model files, it should first download the default models and then start listening to requests.

❯ poetry run python main.py
Available providers: TensorrtExecutionProvider, CUDAExecutionProvider, CPUExecutionProvider
Using providers: TensorrtExecutionProvider, CUDAExecutionProvider, CPUExecutionProvider
Loading visual model: models/clip-vit-base-patch32-visual-float16.onnx
Loading textual model: models/clip-vit-base-patch32-textual-float16.onnx
2022-10-08 14:28:35.9706571 [W:onnxruntime:Default, tensorrt_execution_provider.h:60 onnxruntime::TensorrtLogger::log] [2022-10-08 13:28:35 WARNING] external\onnx-tensorrt\onnx2trt_utils.cpp:369: Your ONNX model has been generated with INT64 weights, while TensorRT does not natively support INT64. Attempting to cast down to INT32.

Visual inference ready, input size 224, type tensor(float16)
Textual inference ready, input size 77, type tensor(int32)
Listening on

If you are starting it with GPU support (default) it may take some time for it to start up. The WARNING above is to be expected for the TensorRT runtime, it seems to work fine regardless.


Some request/response examples are listed below. If you use the neat REST Client extension for VSCode you can even execute them directly if you open the README 😎. See examples.http for more.

{{api}} refers to the root URL of the API, the following defines it for the REST Client extension.

@api = http://localhost:8081

Embed Text

The /text-embeddings endpoint accepts a list of text strings that are converted to embeddings by the textual model.


POST {{api}}/text-embeddings HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

    "texts": ["hawk"]


  "texts": [
      "text": "hawk",
      "embedding_f16_b64": "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",
      "embedding_inv_norm_f16_uint16": 11810

Embed Images

The /image-embeddings endpoint accepts multiple form multipart image uploads and computes the embedding for each using the visual model.

@image = heavy-industry.jpg


POST {{api}}/image-embeddings
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=------------------------23f534be8db8eca0

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="image"; filename="heavy-industry.jpg"
Content-Type: image/jpeg

< {{image}}



  "images": [
      "field": "image",
      "filename": "heavy-industry.jpg",
      "embedding_f16_b64": "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",
      "embedding_inv_norm_f16_uint16": 11922


You can configure the app via environment variables.

Environment variable nameDefault valuePurpose
PHOTOFIELD_AI_HOST0.0.0.0The host the server will listen on.
PHOTOFIELD_AI_PORT8081The port the server will listen on.
PHOTOFIELD_AI_MODELS_DIRmodels/The directory models will be downloaded to if a URL is provided
PHOTOFIELD_AI_VISUAL_MODELhttps://huggingface.co/mlunar/clip-variants/resolve/main/modelclip-vit-base-patch32-visual-float16.onnxURL or local file path to the visual ONNX CLIP model to use for image embedding. If a URL is provided, the model will first be downloaded to PHOTOFIELD_AI_MODELS_DIR if it doesn't exist there already. If a local path is provided, the model will be used as is.
PHOTOFIELD_AI_TEXTUAL_MODELhttps://huggingface.co/mlunar/clip-variants/resolve/main/modelclip-vit-base-patch32-textual-float16.onnxSame as PHOTOFIELD_AI_VISUAL_MODEL, but for the textual model used for text embedding.
PHOTOFIELD_AI_RUNTIMEallall enables all available ONNX runtime providers, making use of any GPU or other accelerator device if you have the right ONNX Runtime prerequisites installed. cpu for CPU-only execution, which is faster to startup and develop with, but it is usually going to be ~10x slower than a GPU at inference. cpu is a shortcut for PHOTOFIELD_AI_PROVIDERS=CPUExecutionProvider.
PHOTOFIELD_AI_PROVIDERSunsetIf PHOTOFIELD_AI_RUNTIME is not set, you can use this specify the ONNX providers you would like to use directly comma-delimited. For example: CUDAExecutionProvider,CPUExecutionProvider.


For PHOTOFIELD_AI_VISUAL_MODEL and PHOTOFIELD_AI_TEXTUAL_MODEL you can use any model from clip-variants models.

The bigger models are likely to be better, however it probably depends on your use-case. The different model types most likely won't be compatible with each other, however combining different data types might work fine.

Note that the qint8 models don't seem to work right now, so use quint8 ones instead.

Development Setup


Scoop (Windows): scoop install busybox just


  1. Clone the repo
    git clone https://github.com/smilyorg/photofield-ai.git
  2. Install Python dependencies
    poetry install



Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.
