

traIXroute implementation for IXP-Country-Jedi

Custom version of IXP Country Jedi can be found here:

IXP-Country-Jedi integrates traIXroute

After you have created the traixroute.json file from the get_measurements step of IXP Country Jedi's scripts, you must run traIXroute with this format:

./traIXroute.py -r ../path/to/traixroute.json -c CountryCode (iso3166-1)

An example for Denmark:

./traIXroute.py -r ../ixp-country-jedi/example/DK/traixroute.json -c DK

When traIXroute finishes you have to continue with IXP Country Jedi's next steps.

====== ORIGINAL README ======

For the original traIXroute please visit: https://github.com/gnomikos/traIXroute

traIXroute is a tool that detects if and where a traceroute path crosses an IXP fabric. It uses multiple criteria to verify IXP crossings in the light of replies from third-party interfaces or inaccuracies in the available data about IP addresses assigned to IXPs. These discrepancies mislead simple heuristics based solely on the IP address prefixes allocated to IXPs. The detection uses data from PeeringDB, Packet Clearing House and RouteViews. In addition, traIXroute uses in the background the standard traceroute tool or the scamper tool, which implements the Paris traceroute technique to deal with inaccurate paths due to load balancers [1]. It is open source under GPLv3.

The heuristics used by traIXroute and their evaluation are described in the following paper:

##Download The source code is available in the traIXroute github repository. You can download it directly from here. The first version of traIXroute was released in May 2016. ##Installation

traIXroute has been tested on Linux and Mac OS X. Detailed installation instructions can be found in the README file in the traIXroute repository. You can install traIXroute with all the necessary packages running:


$ cd setup/ </br> $ sudo bash install_dependencies.sh

and then:

$ sudo python3 setup.py

####IMPORTANT In case you run Mac OS X, a software update popup window will appear running the first installation script. You need to install only the command line developer tools by clicking the "Install" button and then agree to the Terms of Service. This process will download and install the Command Line Tools package.

If you have problems, please contact George Nomikos (gnomikos [at] ics.forth.gr). ##Dependencies traIXroute has the following dependencies:

Python 3traIXroute requires Python 3.4 or newer. <br /> PySubnetTree — A Python module for CIDR lookups. <br /> Scamper — A tool provided by CAIDA for probing the Internet in parallel, so that bulk data can be collected in a timely fashion. <br /> Traceroute — A diagnostic tool for measuring Internet paths and their per hop delay. <br />

##Documentation traIXroute is thoroughly documented here. The documentation covers the available command line options, how to extend or overwrite the data from PeeringDB and the Packet Clearing House with user-provided data, how to customize or extend traIXroute detection rules, and a diagram of its modules.

##Licence The source code of traIXroute is released under the GNU General Public License, version 3. A copy can be found in the COPYING file.

Copyright © traIXroute, 2016.

##Authors traIXroute was written by Michalis Bamiedakis (mbam [at] ics.forth.gr) and George Nomikos (gnomikos [at] ics.forth.gr) from the INternet Security, Privacy, and Intelligence REsearch (INSPIRE) Group in the Institute of Computer Science of the Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH). The research was supervised by Prof. Xenofontas Dimitropoulos (fontas [at] ics.forth.gr).

##Acknowledgements The research that led to traIXroute was supported by the European Research Council (ERC) Grant 338402 - The NetVolution Project (www.netvolution.eu).


[1] Augustin, B., Friedman, T. and Teixeira, R., "Multipath tracing with Paris traceroute." In End-to-End Monitoring Techniques and Services, 2007. Workshop on, pp. 1-8. IEEE, 2007.