

Slimsag's SublimeHQ Packages Fork

These packages are developed against the latest Sublime Text 3 Dev Build. Bugs may exist on older builds, and the format used is not compatible with builds older than 3092.


If you want to make changes to these packages and test them locally, fork this repository and then symlink the changed packages into your Packages folder.

Replace Python in the following commands with the name of the syntax to install.


$ git clone https://github.com/sublimehq/Packages.git
$ ln -s `pwd`/Packages/Python ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/


$ git clone https://github.com/sublimehq/Packages.git
$ ln -s `pwd`/Packages/Python ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/


On Windows, you can use directory junctions instead of symlinks (symlinks require administrative rights; directory junctions don't):

# Using PowerShell
PS> git clone https://github.com/sublimehq/Packages.git
PS> cmd /c mklink /J "$env:APPDATA/Sublime Text 3/Packages/Python" (convert-path ./Packages/Python)

Alternatively, download the portable version, and clone this repository directly as a subdirectory of the Data folder.

After you've finished, keep in mind that you're now overriding a default package. When Sublime Text updates to a new version, you'll run the risk of having an out-of-date package unless you pull the latest changes from this repository.

Adding a new language

Find an open-source .tmLanguage or .sublime-syntax file

Create a PR to this repository

Your PR should include:


All contents are licensed under the following licenses, which allow for free commercial use and distribution of the files:

All files are licensed under the sublimehq/Packages MIT + Common License*, with different licenses for files generated by following the steps in a directory containing a SOURCE file:

All, except those specified belowMIT + Common License*sublimehq/Packages
Kotlin/Apache License 2.0vkostyukov/kotlin-sublime-package
Dockerfile/Apache License 2.0moby/moby
COBOL/Apache License 2.0bitlang/sublime_cobol
Dart/BSD 3-Clause Licenseguillermooo/dart-sublime-bundle-releases
Cuda/BSD 3-Clause Licenseharrism/sublimetext-cuda-cpp
Thrift/Common License*airamare01/thrift.tmbundle
Smarty/Common License*amitsnyderman/sublime-smarty
Postscript/Common License*textmate/postscript.tmbundle
Plist/Common License*textmate/property-list.tmbundle
Ninja/Common License*textmate/ninja.tmbundle
Mediawiki/Common License*slimsag/mediawiki.tmbundle
Maven/Common License*textmate/maven.tmbundle
Man/Common License*textmate/man-pages.tmbundle
Forth/Common License*textmate/forth.tmbundle
F#/Common License*textmate/f-sharp.tmbundle
Cython/Common License*textmate/cython.tmbundle
Cron/Common License*textmate/cron.tmbundle
CapnProto/Common License*textmate/capnproto.tmbundle
CMake/Common License*textmate/cmake.tmbundle
ASP-VB-NET/Common License*textmate/asp.vb.net.tmbundle
Vue/MIT Licensevuejs/vue-syntax-highlight
TypeScript/MIT Licenservantonder/TypeScript-Sublime-Plugin
Swift/MIT Licensequiqueg/Swift-Sublime-Package
Stylus/MIT Licensebillymoon/Stylus
Starlark/MIT Licenseslimsag/vscode-bazel
Smalltalk/MIT Licensetextmate/smalltalk.tmbundle
SASS/MIT Licenseslimsag/sass-textmate-bundle
Rust/MIT Licenserust-lang/rust-enhanced
Protobuf/MIT LicenseVcamX/protobuf-syntax-highlighting
PowerShell/MIT Licenseslimsag/EditorSyntax
MSBuild/MIT Licensetillig/SublimeMSBuild
LESS/MIT Licensetextmate/less.tmbundle
JavaScript/MIT Licenseslimsag/Sublime-JS-Custom-Generated
HLSL/MIT LicenseMattSutherlin/HLSL_ST3
Fish/MIT LicensePhidica/sublime-fish
Ethereum/MIT Licensedavidhq/SublimeEthereum
Cg/MIT Licensenoct/sublime-shaders
Elixir/MIT Licenseprincemaple/elixir-sublime-syntax
CueMIT Licensecue-sh/vscode-cue
ApexBSD 3-Clause + MITforcedotcom/apex-tmLanguage
VHDLBSD 3-Clausesigasi/sigasi-tmlanguage
VerilogBSD 3-Clausesigasi/sigasi-tmlanguage

Common License*

This indicates a common license used in TextMate syntax/grammar bundles, which reads as follows:

If not otherwise specified (see below), files in this repository fall under the following license:

Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software is granted. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.

An exception is made for files in readable text which contain their own license information, or files where an accompanying file exists (in the same directory) with a “-license” suffix added to the base-name name of the original file, and an extension of txt, html, or similar. For example “tidy” is accompanied by “tidy-license.txt”.

If an exception is made for the file we use, it must be noted as such in the table above.