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So, what's this Slic3r?

Slic3r is mainly a toolpath generator for 3D printers: it reads 3D models (STL, OBJ, AMF, 3MF) and it converts them into G-code instructions for 3D printers. But it does much more than that, see the features list below.

Slic3r was born in 2011 within the RepRap community and thanks to its high configurability became the swiss-army knife for 3D printing. It served as a platform for implementing several new (experimental) ideas that later became technology standards, such as multiple extruders, brim, variable-height layers, per-object settings, modifiers, post-processing scripts, G-code macros and more. Despite being based on volunteer efforts, Slic3r is still pushing the boundaries of 3D printing.

Slic3r is:

See the project homepage at slic3r.org for more information.

<a name="features"></a>Features

(Most of these are also available in the command line interface.)

What language is it written in?

The core parts of Slic3r are written in C++11, with multithreading. The graphical interface is in the process of being ported to C++14.

How to install?

You can download a precompiled package from slic3r.org (releases) or from dl.slicr3r.org (automated builds).

If you want to compile the source yourself follow the instructions on one of these wiki pages:

Can I help?

Sure, but please read the CONTRIBUTING document first!

Directory structure


The main author of Slic3r is Alessandro Ranellucci (@alranel, Sound in IRC, @alranel on Twitter), who started the project in 2011.

Joseph Lenox (@lordofhyphens, LoH in IRC, @LenoxPlay on Twitter) is the current co-maintainer.

Contributions by Henrik Brix Andersen, Vojtech Bubnik, Nicolas Dandrimont, Mark Hindess, Petr Ledvina, Y. Sapir, Mike Sheldrake, Kliment Yanev and numerous others. Original manual by Gary Hodgson. Slic3r logo designed by Corey Daniels, <a href="http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/">Silk Icon Set</a> designed by Mark James, stl and gcode file icons designed by Akira Yasuda.

How can I invoke Slic3r using the command line?

The command line is documented in the relevant manual page.