


Official repo of USENIX Security 2025 paper: PoisonedRAG: Knowledge Corruption Attacks to Retrieval-Augmented Generation of Large Language Models.

The first knowledge database corruption attack against Retrievals-Augmented Generation (RAG) system.

🚀 News

🎉 Jun 20, 2024: PoisonedRAG gets accepted to USENIX Security 2025!

🔥 Apr 20, 2024: If you have any question or need other code or data, feel free to open an issue or email us!

Illustration of PoisonedRAG

🔍 Quick Usage

📃 Setup environment

conda create -n PoisonedRAG python=3.10
conda activate PoisonedRAG
pip install beir openai google-generativeai
pip install torch==1.13.0+cu117 torchvision==0.14.0+cu117 torchaudio==0.13.0 --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu117
pip install --upgrade charset-normalizer
pip3 install "fschat[model_worker,webui]"

💽 Dataset (optional, suggested)

When running our code, the datasets will be automatically downloaded and saved in datasets. You could also run this line to manually download datasets.

python prepare_dataset.py

🔑 Set API key

If you want to use PaLM 2, GPT-3.5, GPT-4 or LLaMA-2, please enter your api key in model_configs folder.

For LLaMA-2, the api key is your HuggingFace Access Tokens. You could visit LLaMA-2's HuggingFace Page first if you don't have the access token.

Here is an example:

        "Your api key here"
    "api_key_use": 0

📝 Reproduce our results

There are some hyperparameters in run.py such as LLMs and datasets:

Note: Currently we provide default setting for main results in our paper. We will update and complete other settings later.

test_params = {
    # beir_info
    'eval_model_code': "contriever",
    'eval_dataset': "nq",            # nq, hotpotqa, msmarco
    'split': "test",
    'query_results_dir': 'main',

    # LLM setting
    'model_name': 'palm2',           # palm2, gpt3.5, gpt4, llama(7b|13b), vicuna(7b|13b|33b)
    'use_truth': False,
    'top_k': 5,
    'gpu_id': 0,

    # attack
    'attack_method': 'LM_targeted',  # LM_targeted (black-box), hotflip (white-box)
    'adv_per_query': 5,
    'score_function': 'dot',
    'repeat_times': 10,
    'M': 10,
    'seed': 12,

    'note': None

Execute run.py to reproduce experiments.

python run.py

🐱 Your own dataset

If you want to perform experiments on your own dataset, you could refer to evaluate_beir.py, prepare your dataset as the beir format and use this file to compute the retrieval scores.



If you use this code, please cite the following paper:

      title={PoisonedRAG: Knowledge Poisoning Attacks to Retrieval-Augmented Generation of Large Language Models}, 
      author={Wei Zou and Runpeng Geng and Binghui Wang and Jinyuan Jia},