



The ESP website contains the most up-to-date information on the ESP project. The Documentation page contains detailed guides and video tutorials that will be released periodically to help users get the most out of ESP.

ESP is an open-source platform for heterogeneous SoC design and prototype on FPGA. It provides a flexible tile-based architecture built on a multi-plane network-on-chip.

In addition to the architecture, ESP provides users with templates and scripts to create new accelerators from SystemC, Chisel, and C/C++. The ESP design methodology eases the process of integrating processors and accelerators into an SoC by offering platform services, such as DMA, distributed interrupt, and run-time coherence selection, that hide the complexity of hardware and software integration from the accelerator designer.

Currently, ESP supports the integration of the LEON3 processor from GRLIB, the Ariane core from the PULP Platform, and the Ibex core from lowRISC. LEON3 implements the SPARC V8 32-bit ISA, Ariane implements the RISC-V 64-bit ISA, and Ibex implements the RISC-V 32-bit ISA.

In addition to processor cores, ESP embeds accelerator design examples created with Stratus HLS in SystemC, Vivado HLS in C/C++ and Chisel.

Furthermore, ESP can serve as a platform to integrate third-party IP blocks. For example, ESP integrates the NVIDIA Deep Learning Accelerator NVDLA, which can be placed on any ESP accelerator tile.


Overview paper:

Paolo Mantovani, Davide Giri, Giuseppe Di Guglielmo, Luca Piccolboni, Joseph Zuckerman, Emilio G. Cota, Michele Petracca, Christian Pilato, Luca P. Carloni. "Agile SoC Development with Open ESP." IEEE/ACM International Conference On Computer Aided Design (ICCAD), 2020.

The Publications page of the ESP website contains the complete list of publications related to ESP.

Repository organization

Here is a brief description of the main directories in the repository, please refer to the READMEs inside each of them for more information.

Stay tuned for the new features under development: