


slap :wave: Build Status Donate

slap is a Sublime-like terminal-based text editor that strives to make editing from the terminal easier. It has:


$ curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/slap-editor/slap/master/install.sh | sh

If you already have NodeJS installed:

$ sudo npm install -g slap@latest


$ slap fish.c
$ slap fish1.c fish2.c
$ slap redfish/ # open dir
$ slap # new file

Default keybindings


slap supports INI or JSON config files. You can put configuration wherever rc can find it. A mostly empty configuration file with some useful comments is created in ~/.slap/config if an existing file isn't found.

Pass configuration via command line:

$ slap --header.style.bg red file.c


Slap is fully customizeable and supports plugins written in JS. You can place single JS files, or NodeJS packages, into ~/.slap/plugins/.

To write your own plugin, a good starting point is slap-clipboard-plugin. Please note that plugin packages must have "keywords": ["slap-plugin"] in package.json.

OS support


iTerm2 supports the mouse and most keybindings out of the box. For optimal Terminal.app usage, see slap-Terminal.app-profile.


If you are using X.Org, ensure xclip is installed for OS clipboard support.


Most terminal emulators in Windows do not support mouse events, PuTTY being a notable exception. In Cygwin, slap crashes on startup due to joyent/node#6459.


Join us in #slap on Freenode for troubleshooting, theme/plugin/core development, or palm strike discussion of any nature.

Some keys don't work!

NOTE: if you are using Terminal.app, see slap-Terminal.app-profile.

Unfortunately most terminal emulators do not support certain keystrokes and as such there is no way to handle them. These include C-backspace, S-home/end, and S-pageup/down. Most of these actions have alternate keybindings, inspired by emacs and other editors, but if you find one that doesn't work, please submit an issue!

Slow on single cores, Raspberry Pi

slap is based on Github's atom/text-buffer, and as such should be very performant, even with very large files.

Try --editor.highlight false or adding the following to ~/.slap/config:

highlight = false

If that doesn't improve performance, please run with --perf.profile true and submit an issue with the newly-created v8.log file.