

There Is No WoeUSB

Well there was one, but it is now moved to the new home: https://github.com/WoeUSB.

What happened

WoeUSB is moving to a new GitHub organization to fulfill new needs and expectations, refer The future of WoeUSB · Issue #209 · slacka/WoeUSB for more info.

What should I do

I'm a user of WoeUSB

Please refer to https://github.com/WoeUSB/WoeUSB for new software releases, the wxWidgets GUI wrapper program is dropped due to its unmaintained status.

We also recommend @WaxyMocha's WoeUSB-ng, which rewritten WoeUSB using Python (including the GUI, yay!) and has a better future than the currently Bash-based WoeUSB.

I've filed an unresolved issue to WoeUSB

Unfortunately due to technical difficulties we are unable to migrate old issues to the new project, please kindly file a new issue and link it to the old counterpart.

This is also a good time to ensure the issue is still reproducible/relevant.

I've filed an unresolved pull request to WoeUSB

Please kindly file it again to the corresponding WoeUSB project, thank you!

I'm a package maintainer of WoeUSB


We would like to thank @slacka and countless contributors for making the project alive, and thrive through these years.

The new title is inspired from the There Is No Game : Wrong Dimension non-game, by Draw Me A Pixel.