

Slack Ruby Bot Server Events Sample


What is this?

A sample app that uses slack-ruby-bot-server-events to implement and respond to Slack Events API, Interactive Message Buttons and Slash Commands.

Running the Sample


Create .env file with the following settings.


Get the values from from your app's Basic Information settings.

Run bundle install and foreman start.

Install App

Register your app via OAuth workflow from localhost:5000.

Expose the local server port 5000 to receive Slack events using ngrok.

ngrok http 5000

Copy the URL, e.g. https://79f0f6335438.ngrok.io, and use it as the prefix for your events, slash commands, and interactive message buttons.

OAuth Scopes

See config/initializers/slack_ruby_bot_server.rb for the required OAuth scopes. If you get Slack::Web::Api::Errors::MissingScope: missing_scope errors, you are missing a scope in your app configuration.


Set the Request Url in your app's Features under Event Subscriptions, e.g. https://79f0f6335438.ngrok.io/api/slack/event. When you change this URL, Slack will POST a verification challenge to /api/slack/event, which should succeed.

Subscribe to member_joined_channel and member_left_channel events.

Invite the bot to a channel. Add/remove some other members. The welcome message is posted from lib/events/member_joined_channel.rb every time a user joins.

A default handler is also fired on all other events in lib/events/default.rb producing log output.

11:49:56 web.1  | I, [2020-07-19T11:49:56.933931 #72370]  INFO -- : Successfully connected team dblock (T04KB5WQH) to https://dblockdotorg.slack.com.
11:53:10 web.1  | I, [2020-07-19T11:53:10.607301 #72370]  INFO -- : User test_app joined events.
11:53:17 web.1  | I, [2020-07-19T11:53:17.786968 #72370]  INFO -- : User dblockplayplay joined events.

Slash Commands

Create a /ping Slash command. Set the Request URL, e.g. https://79f0f6335438.ngrok.io/api/slack/command.

There's no need to invite the bot to a channel. Try /ping, the bot will respond with pong from lib/slash_commands/ping.rb.

A default handler is also fired on all other slash commands in lib/slash_commands/default.rb producing log output.

20:17:02 web.1  | I, [2020-07-19T20:17:02.678409 #77259]  INFO -- : Successfully connected team dblock (T04KB5WQH) to https://dblockdotorg.slack.com.
20:17:05 web.1  | I, [2020-07-19T20:17:05.703699 #77259]  INFO -- : Received a ping.


Set the Request Url in your app's Features under Interactivity & Shortcuts, e.g. https://79f0f6335438.ngrok.io/api/slack/action. Create an "on messages" shortcut, set the ID to count-letters.

There's no need to invite the bot to a channel. Choose the "Count Letters" shortcut, the bot will respond with an ephemeral message from lib/actions/count_letters.rb.

A default handler is also fired on all other actions in lib/actions/default.rb producing log output.

23:42:21 web.1  | I, [2020-07-19T23:42:21.394965 #78955]  INFO -- : Successfully connected team dblock (T04KB5WQH) to https://dblockdotorg.slack.com.
23:43:43 web.1  | I, [2020-07-19T23:43:43.978877 #78955]  INFO -- : Counting letters in "The red brown fox jumped over a lazy dog."

Copyright & License

Copyright Daniel Doubrovkine, 2020

MIT License