


This is Facebook API cover for Ionic 2


$ ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-facebook4 --variable APP_ID="123456789" --variable APP_NAME="myApplication"

Find more details here https://ionicframework.com/docs/v2/native/facebook/

Thats all.


Call init() method of SocialApiService class object. Example here:

    constructor( private socialApi:SocialApiService ) {
        this.socialApi.subscribeToStatusChange( ()=>{ /* onApiReady(); */  }, SocialApiService.getApiStatus_appUser() );

Now you can use all other functionality provided by this plugin.



init( permissions?:Array<string> ) by this function you can initialize ionic2-fb-api. It takes one optional parameter. Here you can give permissions list which your application require from user to login.


login() by this function application will open Facebook authorization dialog.

Subscribe to ionic2-fb-api status changes

subscribeToStatusChange( func:any, status:string=null ) using this function it will call your function each time ionic2-fb-api will change it's status. Also it can call your function only for actual status if you will specify second status parameter.


Basically you will use this functions to specify subscribeToStatusChange function second status parameter.

SocialApiService.getApiStatus_appUser() - user authorized your application

SocialApiService.getApiStatus_notAppUser() - user doesn't authorize your application yet

getApiStatus_notSocialUser() - user doesn't logged in in facebook yet

getApiStatus_loading() - api initalization or user authorization is in progress

Current state

isApiStatus_default() - default state

isApiStatus_appUser() - user authorized your application

isApiStatus_notAppUser() - user doesn't authorize your application yet

isApiStatus_notSocialUser() - user doesn't logged in in facebook yet

isApiStatus_loading() - api initalization or user authorization is in progress

isApiStatus_notInit() - init function has not been called yet

Current user id

getCurrentUserId() get current user facebook id

Current user access token

getCurrentSessionKey() get current user facebook access token

User info

getUserInfo( userId:string, readyFunc:any, funcPar:any=null ) get user facebook info.

userId - facebook user id

readyFunc( response:any, funcPar:any=null ) - callback function

funcPar - optional parameters you can set to callback

Current user album

getCurrentUserAlbums( readyFunc:any, funcPar:any=null, next:boolean=null ) get current user album

readyFunc( response:any, funcPar:any=null ) - callback function

funcPar - optional parameters you can set to callback

next - by this property you can manage Facebook data pagination. Values: null - load first page. true - load next page. false - load previous page.

Current user album photos

getAlbumPhotos( albumId:string, readyFunc:any, funcPar:any=null, next:boolean=null ) get current user selected album photos

albumId - selected album id

readyFunc( response:any, funcPar:any=null ) - callback function

funcPar - optional parameters you can set to callback

next - by this property you can manage Facebook data pagination. Values: null - load first page. true - load next page. false - load previous page.