


This repository contains my Jupyter notebooks for exploring and working with Portland crime and Fire & Rescue Dept data as part of Hack Oregon's 2016 data projects with the City of Portland. The notebooks use the Python 3.6 kernel.

For the crime data, I have imported data from the NIJ into Postgres on an Ubuntu environment using Vagrant. You can see my provision scripts here and here.

For the fire dispatch data, a sample dataset was provided by Portland Fire & Rescue to Hack Oregon's Emergency Response Team. This was also piped to PostgreSQL and queries run from Jupyter notebooks.

  1. Crime data EDA notebook

  2. EDA on types of incidents in the incident table

  3. [EDA on response time deltas in inctimes table] (https://github.com/sky-t/hack-or-emergency-response/blob/master/fire_dispatch_eda_inctimes.ipynb)

I have also added some notes on importing crime data into the EC2 db.