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This is a simple package which allows you to write a CLI with distinct subcommands.


Using this library you can enable your command-line application to have a number of subcommands, allowing things like this to be executed:

$ application one
$ application two [args]
$ application help

In addition to allowing the user to specify a sub-command via the first argument it will also allow a default to be used if your binary has the same name as a sub-command.

For example if you had a binary named gobox you could create a symlink called ls:

$ ln -s gobox ls
$ ./ls

Here running ls is the same as running gobox ls, and argument parsing would work the same too:

$ gobox ls --foo
$ ./ls --foo

Bash Completion

All applications using this library will find it easy to generate a bash-completion script, via the following addition to their init-file:

$ source <(application bash-completion)

The generated completion-script will allow TAB-completion of the sub-commands, as well as their options.


There are several frameworks for building a simple CLI application, such as Corba. But those are relatively heavyweight.

This is designed to implement the minimum required support:


There is a simple example defined in _example/main.go.