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ephemeris is a golang CLI-application which will generate a blog from a collection of static text-files, complete with:

The project was primarily written to generate my own blog, which was previously generated with the perl-based chronicle blog compiler - if you've used chronicle you may consult the brief notes on migration.


You can install from source, by cloning the repository and running:

$ cd ephemeris/cmd/ephemeris
$ go build .
$ go install .

Or if you just wish to install the binary:

$ go install github.com/skx/ephemeris/cmd/ephemeris@latest

Alternatively you may find precompiled binaries available for many systems upon the release page.

Blog Generation

A blog is generated from two things:

To build/generate/create your blog you need to create a configuration file that contains the appropriate directories. The configuration file is assumed to be named ephemeris.json in the current-directory, and a sample configuration file would look like this:

      "CommentsPath":  "./comments/",
      "OutputPath":    "./output/",
      "PostsPath":     "./posts/",
      "Prefix":        "http://blog.steve.fi/"

Once you have a configuration file simply run the command to compile and generate your blog:

$ ephemeris

As expected the generated output will be placed beneath the output/ directory. The possible configuration-keys in the JSON file are:

There is a command-line flag which lets you specify an alternative configuration-file, if you do not wish to use the default. Run ephemeris -help to see details.

Blog Format

The input to this program is a directory tree containing a series of blog-posts. Each post will be stored in a single file, with the entry being prefixed by a simple header containing meta-data.

A sample post would look like this:

Tags: compilers, assembly, golang, brainfuck
Date: 14/06/2020 19:00
Subject: Writing a brainfuck compiler.
Format: markdown

So last night I had the idea..

There are a few things to note here:

As noted the input directory will be processed recursively, which allows you to group posts by topic, year, or in any other way you might prefer. I personally file my entries by year, like so:

  ├── 2005
  | ├── 1.txt
  | └── 2.txt
  ├── 2006
  | ├── 3.txt
  | └── 4.txt
  ├── 2018
  | ├── 5.txt
  | └── 6.txt
  ├── 2019
  | ├── 7.txt
  | └── 8.txt
  └── 2020
    ├── 9.txt
    ├── 10.txt
    └── 11.txt

Demo Blog

There is a demo-blog contained within this repository, along with a lightly-modified theme. To compile the blog into a set of HTML output-pages simple change into the appropriate directory and run the command:

$ cd _demo
$ ephemeris

This will generate ./output/. As you can see from the configuration file the blog will have an URL-prefix of http://localhost:8000 so you can try serving it with a local webserver on that port to view it in your browser:

cd output/
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000

Once the simple HTTP-server is running open http://localhost:8000/ with your browser to see the compiled/generated result.


The main binary contains an embedded set of text/template resources which are used to generate the output blog. If you wished to update those static-resources you'd need to edit the application-source and rebuild it which is a bit cumbersome, and future releases would almost certainly overwrite your changes.

Instead of having to rebuild the application to change the generated output you can use a local directory of templates instead of the embedded resources.

To get started you should export the default templates to a local directory:

ephemeris -export-theme=./blog-theme/

This will give you the following contents:

├── archive_page.tmpl
├── archive.tmpl
├── entry.tmpl
├── inc
│   ├── add_comment_form.tmpl
│   ├── blog_post.tmpl
│   ├── comments_on_blog_post.tmpl
│   ├── css.tmpl
│   ├── recent_posts.tmpl
│   └── rss.tmpl
├── index.rss
├── index.tmpl
├── tag_page.tmpl
└── tags.tmpl

1 directory, 13 files

Now that you have the local templates available you can edit them, changing the text and layout as you wish, and specify that local directory as the ThemePath in your ephemeris.json configuration file.


This project is not documented to my usual and preferred standard, no doubt it will improve over time.

However there are many blog packages out there, so I expect this project will only be of interest to those wishing to switch from chronicle.
