

VIM Plugin for doing a search and replace across many files.

About this plugin

Original plugin by Yegappan Lakshmanan http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1813

Modifications by Yan Pritzker:


  1. Use :Gsearch <search> to get a buffer window of your search results
  2. then you can make the replacements inside the buffer window using traditional tools (%s/foo/bar/)
  3. Invoke :Greplace to make your changes across all files. It will ask you interatively y/n/a - you can hit 'a' to do all.
  4. Save changes to all files with :wall (write all)


To customize command used for :Gsearch you can update both the command and the default options.

Note: updating grepprg will have consequences on other commands that rely on grep vim command