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This site hosts a library for Near Field Communication on Android using the NDEF format.

The current (version <= 14.0) Android SDK only comes with a low-level NDEF API which does not expose developers to the full potential of the NDEF format. Rather than sweating over byte arrays, developers should have access to high-level representations.


In short, this projects helps you to handle dynamic NDEF content at runtime.


Apache 2.0


The project is built with Gradle and is available on the central Maven repository. For Gradle, configure the property

ext {
  ndefToolsForAndroidVersion = '2.0.1'

and add the dependency



So a Message consists of a list of Records in the NDEF standard. Browse the source for an overview of supported record types.

Creating new NDEF records

Compose an Android Application Record:

AndroidApplicationRecord aar = new AndroidApplicationRecord();

Compose a Mime Record

MimeRecord mimeRecord = new MimeRecord();
mimeRecord.setData("This is my data".getBytes("UTF-8"));

Create new NDEF message

From above, simply

Message message = new Message(); //  com.github.skjolber.ndef.Message

or from bytes

byte[] messageBytes = ...; // get your bytes
Message message = Message.parseNdefMessage(messageBytes);

Converting to and from native Android NdefMessage


NdefMessage lowLevel = ...; // get from existing code
Message highLevel = new Message(lowLevel);
// read from high-level records


Message highLevel = ...// compose high-level records
NdefMessage lowLevel = highLevel.getNdefMessage();
// .. pass low-level NdefMessage to existing code

JSE module

A few NFC classes copied from the Android open source project, so that the NDEF library can be used on regular Java (i.e. Java 8 or 11).


For a working example see android-nfc-lifecycle-wrapper.

See also

For a graphical NDEF editor, try NFC Eclipse plugin. It creates static NDEF content, and so is good for getting to know the NDEF format. Recommended for developers new to NFC.


This project springs out the NFC Tools for Java and NFC Eclipse plugin projects.


April 2024: Version 2.0.1 maintenance release.

August 2020: Version 2.0.0 maintenance release:

March 28th 2013: Version 1.2.3 released.<br> February 5th 2013: Version 1.2.2 released.<br> January 1st 2013: Version 1.2.1 released.<br> October 18th 2012: Version 1.2 released.<br> September 15th 2012: Initial release.<br>