

<p align="center"> <img alt="" src="assets/ornament.webp" /> </p> <h1 align="center">≥v≥v&ensp;club-house&ensp;≥v≥v</h1> <p align="center"> <img alt="" src="https://img.shields.io/github/license/skippyr/club-house?style=plastic&label=%E2%89%A5%20license&labelColor=%2324130e&color=%23b8150d" /> &nbsp; <img alt="" src="https://img.shields.io/github/v/tag/skippyr/club-house?style=plastic&label=%E2%89%A5%20tag&labelColor=%2324130e&color=%23b8150d" /> &nbsp; <img alt="" src="https://img.shields.io/github/commit-activity/t/skippyr/club-house?style=plastic&label=%E2%89%A5%20commits&labelColor=%2324130e&color=%23b8150d" /> &nbsp; <img alt="" src="https://img.shields.io/github/stars/skippyr/club-house?style=plastic&label=%E2%89%A5%20stars&labelColor=%2324130e&color=%23b8150d" /> </p>

❡ About

A theme for the zsh shell for Linux that is decorated by a cards club symbol.

<p align="center"> <img alt="" src="assets/preview.webp" /> </p> <p align="center"><sup><strong>Caption:</strong> a preview of club-house applied on <code>zsh</code>. The terminal theme used is <a href="https://github.com/skippyr/flamerial">Flamerial</a> and font is <a href="https://www.nerdfonts.com/font-downloads">Fira Mono (Nerd Fonts patched)</a>.</sup></p>


It displays:

❡ Install


The following dependencies must be installed before installing it:


Manual Procedures

If you want to install this theme without a plugin manager or for a specific framework, using a terminal, follow these steps:

git clone --depth 1 "~/.config/zsh/themes/club-house";
source "~/.config/zsh/themes/club-house/club-house.zsh-theme";

Procedures For OhMyZSH

If you want to install and use this theme with the ohmyzsh framework, using a terminal, follow these steps:

git clone --depth 1 "https://github.com/skippyr/club-house" \

Procedures For Antidote

If you want to install this theme with the antidote plugin manager, using a terminal, follow these steps:

antidote load "~/.zsh_plugins.txt";

❡ Help

If you need help related to this project, open a new issue in its issues pages or send me an e-mail describing what is going on.

❡ Contributing

This project is open to review and possibly accept contributions, specially fixes and suggestions. If you are interested, send your contribution to its pull requests page or to my e-mail.

By contributing to this project, you agree to license your work under the same license that the project uses.

❡ License

This is free software licensed under the MIT License that comes WITH NO WARRANTY. Refer to the LICENSE file that comes in its source code for license and copyright details.

<p align="center"><sup><strong>≥v≥v&ensp;Here Be Dragons!&ensp;≥v≥</strong><br />Made with love by skippyr <3</sup></p>